In the recently published QS Ranking, BUT ranked 311th in the Engineering and Technology category. Compared to the previous year, it has moved up 32 places. Before the Brno technology, only the Prague CTU is in this category from Czech universities. In individual subcategories, BUT ranks best in Electrical Engineering (251st-300th place worldwide, 2nd in the Czech Republic) and Mechanical Engineering (also 251st-300th position in the world and 2nd in the Czech Republic).
Within engineering, BUT has moved 50 positions forward compared to last year's ranking. BUT also received the same improvement by 50 places in the Computer Science category, where it is interested in the 351-400 position. in international comparison and 3. from domestic universities. BUT also managed to place itself in the field of natural sciences, which includes mathematics and materials sciences (both in positions 351.-400.) Y
ou can find more information on the QS website.