Organizational Structure



Teaching Profile

The Institute provides courses on mechanics of solids – one of the fundamental disciplines of the mechanical engineering study programme. At various levels hit these courses all study programmes of the Faculty.

Scientific Profile

Research activities of the Institute are focused in the following fields:

  • Constitutive modelling and limit states of particular types of materials,
  • Stress analysis and strength optimisation of the strip wound compound vessels for extremely high pressure,
  • Numerical simulation of selected technological operations,
  • Two-parameters fracture mechanics,
  • Measurement residual stresses,
  • Dynamics of rotor systems,
  • Noise and vibration,
  • Modelling dynamic properties of interactive drive systems,
  • Research and development of mechatronic systems,
  • Biomechanics of musculo-skeletal system, cardio-vascular system, vocal tract,
  • Research projects are supported through grants of the Czech Grant Agency and other sources.


Dept. of Engineering Mechanics

Dept. of Mechanics of Advanced Materials

Dept. of Biomechanics

Dept. of Mechatronics

Dept. of Autonomous Systems

NCC MESTEC - Division of Solid Mechanics and Mechatronics

NCC Energy - Fracture Mechanics Division