Course detail
Logistics of Transport and Handling Systems
FSI-DLD Acad. year: 2018/2019 Winter semester
The course in Logistic of Transport and Handling makes students acquainted with logistic services and costs and with their influence upon the effective functions of transport-handling systems. Utilization of a computer support for the simulation of transport-handling processes.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Students will obtains the principle knowledge of logistic functions in transport and handling with materials. Students will be able to determine suitable logistic coefficient and to execute the calculation of logistic costs and outputs. Students will learn the principles simulating simple transport and handling processes using numerical software.
Students are required to have the knowledge of technical mechanics and higher mathematics.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
The course is taught through lectures explaining the basic principles and theory of the discipline.
Exercises are focused on practical topics presented in lectures.
Part of the course can be excursions to the companies, which manufacture or operate the equipments from the thematic area of education.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Course-unit credit requirements:
- attendance at seminars
- elaboration of the final tasks
Students are evaluated according to his acquired knowledge and his to apply. The examination is written and oral.
The aim of course is to acquaint students with a conception, sense and meaning of logistics, transport planning, material handling and conveyor system planning. Logistics as an instrument of optimalization, cost reduction and marketing in transport. Logistic factors. Logistic strategy in transport.Introduction to numerical simulation program and its associated programming languages. The possibility of its use for solving transport-handling processes.
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
The attendance at lectures is voluntary.
The attendance at seminars is obligatory, checked by the tutor. The form of compensation of missed lessons is solved individually with the course supervisor.
The study programmes with the given course
Programme B3S-P: Engineering, Bachelor's
branch B-SSZ: Machine and Equipment Construction, compulsory-optional
Type of course unit
26 hours, optionally
Teacher / Lecturer
1.Logistic,conception,meaning at economy.
2.Requirements of logistic regarding transport sector.
3.Calculations of logistic costs and outputs.
4.Bilateral action of logistic and handling systems and information system.
5.Combined transport and development trends
6.Methods of minimization of transport costs.
7.Logistic factors.
8.Principle problems of transport economy.
9.Handling process and handling equipments, quantitative factors of handling process.
10.Handling equipment – conveyors.
11.Handling equipment – cranes, industrial trucks.
12.Positioning equipments, storage unit and forming equipment.
13.Storage equipment, identification and control equipment.
Computer-assisted exercise
26 hours, compulsory
Teacher / Lecturer
1.Solution of handling-transport problem – index methods.
2.Solution of handling-transport problem – method VAM.
3.Solution of handling-transport problem – optical method.
4.Solution of handling-transport problem (individual tasks).
5.Solution of optimised material flow for determined production scheme.
6.Solution of optimised material flow for determined production scheme.
7.Solution of optimised material flow (individual tasks).
8.The possibility of modeling transport and handling processes.
9.The numerical simulation program (structure, function of objects).
10.The numerical simulation program (simulating of systems and subsystems).
11.The numerical simulation program (possibilities of model controls).
12.The numerical simulation program (animation of model).
13.Simulating of handling process.