Course detail

Service and Maintenance of Machines

FSI-EPS Acad. year: 2018/2019 Winter semester

The subject is focused on the most sophisticated knowledge about service and maintenance of machines. Emphasis is laid on the means of fail-safety maintenance, theory of system maintenance and the current trends in maintenance. The principles of Industry 4.0 are also clarified in view of the impacts on the modern machine maintenance and instrumentation. Attention is also devoted to technical diagnostics and its application in maintenance. In this context, tribology and tribodiagnostics, lubricants and lubrication systems are discussed, as often a neglected part of service and maintenance of machines. Failures of machine nodes and their identification are presented. The subject is also devoted to the organizational structure and the maintenance management, economy and maintenance performance evaluation as well as quality management and maintenance risks. All mentioned above is discussed in view of machine failure-free operation.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Learning outcomes of the course unit

Pursuant to the course contents, students will acquire broad knowledge in the field of operation and maintenance of machines, which will allow them to competently engage in solving various problems related to the area in question in industrial engineering and electrotechnic practice.


Knowledge of reliability and technical diagnostics from the so-far completed bachelor-level studies is assumed.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The subject consists of lectures and tutorials. The lectures are focused on the basic principles and the theory of problems. Attention is concentrated on the utilization, and mainly on the practical application of knowledge which the students have gained in the subject of „The Principles of Technical Diagnostics“ and „The Principles of Reliability“. Tutorials are focused on the practical knowledge gained in the lectures, and in an appropriate semester section completed with computer support. Depending upon the possibilities, the lectures of the specialists from industrial practice as well as the excursions in the companies, whose activities relate to the subject, are also organized.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

The subject consists of exercises and lectures. Exercises are required. The tutorial is completed with the credit (granted in the 13th teaching weekend). To gain the credit, 100% attendance, student’s activity in tutorials and the protocols processed from all laboratory exercises and approved by the teacher are required. The examination consists from a written test, and the student‘s maximum scoring rate can be up to 100. The evaluation of test results is given by the classification scale according to ECTS.


The objective of the course is to obtain theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the operation and maintenance of machines.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

The students’ participation in seminars and activity. 100% participation in seminars is required; in case of absence, the student is obliged to substitute for the missed tuition in a way determined by the lecturer.

The study programmes with the given course

Programme B3S-P: Engineering, Bachelor's
branch B-KSB: Quality, Reliability and Safety, compulsory

Type of course unit



39 hours, optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Machine service, relationship between service and maintenance, basic terms related to the theory maintenance, standards and legislation
2. Fail-safety maintenance means
3. Theory of system maintenance
4. Reengineering of maintenance
5. Current maintenance trends, technical diagnostics, modern approaches in maintenance, Industry 4.0
6. Tribology, friction, fatigue
7. Lubricants and lubrication systems
8. Tribodiagnostics of liquid lubricants
9. Basic failures of machine nodes and their manifestation in frequency spectra
10. Organization and management of maintenance
11. Maintenance management in a company
12. Economy and maintenance performance evaluation
13. Quality management in maintenance, qualification in maintenance


18 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Introduction, organizational matters, protocol on laboratory exercise, service and maintenance of machines
2. Fail-safety maintenance means
3. Current maintenance trends, Industry 4.0 with impact on service and maintenance of machines
4. Maintenance focused on transmitting and failure-free operation (RCM), complex productive maintenance (TPM)
5. Tribodiagnostics, lubricants and lubrication systems
6. Description, analysis of machine node failures with emphasis on machine/instrumentation maintenance
7. Organization and management of maintenance
8. Economy and maintenance performance evaluation
9. Quality management and maintenance risks

Computer-assisted exercise

8 hours, compulsory


1. RCM maintenance and its analysis – case study solution
2. Software for maintenance organization and management – introduction
3. Software for maintenance organization and management – case study solution
4. Economy and maintenance performance evaluation