Course detail
Mechatronics of Autonomous Service Robots
FSI-GMA Acad. year: 2018/2019 Summer semester
The course presents the basic theoretical and practical knowledge from the field of construction and design of mobile robots (MR) specialized in service applications.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Students obtain knowledge on sensors working on the basis of various physical principles, both for monitoring of the internal condition of a service robot and providing information on the outer working environment. In laboratory, students are familiarized with microprocessor technology applied in control systems of mobile robots. Special attention is paid to the basic methods for motion control, localization, path planning, environment mapping and simulation of mobile robot behaviour.
Basic knowledge from the fields of electrical engineering, electronics and programming techniques.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
The course is taught through exercises which are focused on practical topics presented in lectures. According to the possibility of teaching can be organized lectures for students by practitioners and excursions to companies focused on activities related to the course content.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Credit is awarded on the basis of attendance in seminars and term project evaluation.
Work placements
No organizing.
The objective is to acquire the knowledge necessary for further work of the students in the field of intelligent mobile and service system design.
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Seminars are compulsory, attendance is monitored. Absence can be compensated on agreement with the teacher.
Recommended optional programme components
The study programmes with the given course
Programme M2I-P: Mechanical Engineering, Master's
branch M-VSR: Production Machines, Systems and Robots, elective (voluntary)
Type of course unit
26 hours, compulsory
1. Introduction to Service Robotics.
2. Various aspects of mobile robot (MR) design, morphological analysis, searching for the most optimal variant for particular task.
3. Analysis of individual constructional parts of MR.
4. Basic types of MR undercarriages and their kinematics.
5. Sensors used in mobile robotics.
6. Classification of control systems, microprocessor technology, microprocessor chips.
7. A review of basic programming techniques.
8. Approaches to MR navigation, autonomy
9. MR localization, Kalman filter, Monte Carlo localization.
10. MR path planning methods.
11. Mapping, geometrical and topological maps, data fusion.
12. MR behaviour simulation using Matlab/Simulink.
13. Practical experiments on the departmental MR in according Industry 4.0.