Course detail
Fatigue of Aircraft Structures
FSI-OUZ Acad. year: 2018/2019 Summer semester
The course is concerned with the following topics: Brief introduction to the field of fatigue of materials. Safe-life and damage tolerance design concepts as two elementary approaches to provide the integrity of structure during its service life. Measurement of service loads, load spectra processing. Calculation of safe-life. Definition of typical flight profiles, S-N curve selection, fatigue damage accumulation hypotheses. Determination of safe-life based on fatigue tests of components and complete structure. Airworthiness requirements for damage tolerance aircraft structures, development of inspection program based on crack growth curves. Non-destructive testing techniques for aeronautical applications.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Practical calculation of safe life of aircraft structure considering principal loads, load spectra treatment, selection of S-N curve. Overview of other topics concerning aircraft fatigue including experiences from fatigue tests carried out at the Laboratory of Institute of Aerospace Engineering.
Fundamentals of structural properties and limit states of materials. Basic knowledge of strength of materials. Overview of airframe structural design. Calculation of loading acting on airplane, stress and deformation of thin-walled airframe structures.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
The course is taught through lectures explaining the basic principles and theory of the discipline. Exercises are focused on practical topics presented in lectures.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Graded course-unit requirements: The main criterion of evaluation is the result of a written test focused on understanding the fundamental topics of the course. Elaborated exercises and active participation in the seminars are also required.
The main goal of this course is for students to understand specific approaches to the solution of aircraft fatigue related issues with regard to the knowledge acquired in previous courses.
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Presence in the seminars is required. Missed seminars are compensated by elaboration of individual tasks.
The study programmes with the given course
Programme M2I-P: Mechanical Engineering, Master's
branch M-LPR: Aeronautical Traffic, compulsory
Programme M2I-P: Mechanical Engineering, Master's
branch M-STL: Aircraft Design, compulsory
Type of course unit
26 hours, optionally
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Fatigue design philosophies of aircraft structures.
2. Airworthiness requirements related to fatigue issues.
3. Phases of fatigue life. Fractographic reconstitution of fatigue crack growth.
4. Safe-life approach.
5. Typical flight profiles. Measurement and processing of load spectra.
6. Gust, manoeuvre and ground loads spectra. Ground-air-ground cycle.
7. Fatigue curves of aircraft structures. Fatigue damage accumulation hypotheses. Fatigue life prediction based on nominal and local approaches (NSA, LESA, LPSA).
8. Fatigue tests and their evaluation. Constant-amplitude, program, variable-amplitude and flight-simulation fatigue tests. Fatigue testing machines.
9. Estimation of safe life by means of calculation and fatigue tests. Aircraft life monitoring systems.
10. Damage tolerance approach. Development of inspection program.
11. Overall review of NDT techniques. Requirements of JSSG-2006 and MIL-A-83444 standards.
12. Fundamentals of fracture mechanics. Residual strength analysis.
13. Crack growth under constant and variable-amplitude loading.
13 hours, compulsory
Teacher / Lecturer
1. – 4. Safe-life evaluation of light sport aircraft according to the FAA AC23-13A methodology.
5. – 9. Calculation of safe-life of transport aircraft.
10. – 13. Crack propagation analysis of the unstiffened panel.