Course detail
Linear Algebra
FSI-SLA Acad. year: 2018/2019 Winter semester
The course deals with following topics: Sets: mappings of sets, relations on a set.
Algebraic operations: groupoids, vector spaces, matrices and operations on matrices.
Fundamentals of linear algebra: determinants, matrices in step form and rank of a matrix, systems of linear equations. Euclidean spaces: scalar product of vectors, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Fundamentals of analytic geometry: linear concepts, conics, quadrics.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Students will be made familiar with algebraic operations,linear algebra, vector and Euclidean spaces, and analytic geometry. They will be able to work with matrix operations, solve systems of linear equations and apply the methods of linear algebra to analytic geometry and engineering tasks. When completing the course, the students will be prepared for further study of mathematical and technical disciplines.
Students are expected to have basic knowledge of secondary school mathematics.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
The course is taught through lectures explaining the basic principles and theory of the discipline. Exercises are focused on practical topics presented in lectures.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Course-unit credit requirements: Active attendance at the seminars.
Form of examinations: The examination has a written and an oral part. In a 120-minute written test, students
solve the following 5 problems.
During the oral part of the examination, the examiner goes through the test with the student. The examiner should inform the students at the last lecture about the basic rules of the examination and the evaluation of its results.
Rules for classification: Student can achieve 4 points for each problem. Therefore, the students may achieve 20 points in total.
Final classification: A (excellent): 19 to 20 points
B (very good): 17 to 18 points
C (good): 15 to 16 points
D (satisfactory): 13 to 14 points
E (sufficient): 10 to 12 points
F (failed): 0 to 9 points
The course aims to acquaint the students with the basics of algebraic operations, linear algebra, vector and Euclidean spaces, and analytic geometry. This will enable them to attend further mathematical and engineering courses and deal with engineering problems. Another goal of the course is to develop the students' logical
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Attendance at lectures is recommended, attendance at seminars is required. The lessons are planned on the basis of a weekly schedule. The way of compensation for an absence is in the competence of the teacher.
The study programmes with the given course
Programme B3A-P: Applied Sciences in Engineering, Bachelor's
branch B-MAI: Mathematical Engineering, compulsory
Type of course unit
39 hours, optionally
Teacher / Lecturer
1. week. Relations, equivalences, orders, mappings, operations, algebraic structures, fields.
2. week. Vector spaces, subspaces, homomorphisms. The linear dependence of vectors, the basis and dimension..
3. week. Matrices and determinants.
4. week. Systems of linear equations.
5. week. The charakteristic polynomial, eigen values, eugen vectors. Jordan normal form.
6. week. Dual vector spaces. Linear forms.
7. week. Bilinear and quadratic forms.
8. week. Unitary spaces. Schwarz inequality. Orthogonality.
9. week. Inner, exterior, cross and triple products – relations and applications.
10. week. Symplectic spaces.
11. week. Affine and euclidean spaces. Geometry of linear objects.
12. week. Projective spaces.
13. week. Geometry of conics and quadrics.
22 hours, compulsory
Teacher / Lecturer
Week 1: Basics of mathematical logic and operations on sets.
Following weeks: Seminar related to the topic of the lecture given in the previous week.
Computer-assisted exercise
4 hours, compulsory
Seminars with computer support are organized according to current needs. They enables students to solve algorithmizable problems by computer algebra systems.