Course detail
Reconstruction and Analysis of 3D Scenes
FSI-SR0 Acad. year: 2018/2019 Winter semester
The subject concerns the reconstruction and analysis of 3D scenes that are based on point clouds. This research area is important in the reverse engineering, robotics, geography and autonomous traffic systems. First part of the lectures deals with the data acquisition types and their purpose. In laboratory we make the measurement with optical scanner ATOS. We will process the point cloud with software GOM inspect and Rhinoceros. The second part covers the area of 3D reconstruction, edge detection, object recognitions, etc. Students prepare their own implementation of some of the algorithm in the last lectures of semester.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Students will learn about the point cloud area, its acquisition, usage and post-processing.
elementary knowledge of mathematical analysis and algebra (matrix, derivative), computer graphics, the recommended is the knowledge of programming language (C, C++, Pascal, atd) or programm (e.g. Matlab).
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
The lectures are the based on the presentation of the methods. Two lecture will be in laboratory on the optical scanner ATOS (calibration and 3D scanning). In the end of the semester students will work on the computer on their favourite theme.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Students will prepare the project and present the project on the end of the semester.
The main gist of the subject is to understand the point cloud and its basic algorithms. The optical scanner ATOS will be present to the students.
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
the attendance is recommended
The study programmes with the given course
Programme M2A-P: Applied Sciences in Engineering, Master's
branch M-MAI: Mathematical Engineering, elective (voluntary)
Type of course unit
Computer-assisted exercise
26 hours, compulsory
1. week: The data acquisition (Terrain, Mobile, Airborne) in dependance of the application. Laser scanner ATOS.
2. week: Point cloud registration.
3.-4. week: Laboratory measurements on the optical scanner ATOS.
5. week: Point cloud processing in software
6. week: Analysis of 3D scenes.
7. week: 3D reconstruction.
8. week: Feature extraction.
9.-12. week: Seminar work with consultations.
13. week: Presentation of the seminar work.