Course detail
Experimental Methods in Materials Engineering
FSI-WEM Acad. year: 2018/2019 Winter semester
Basic experimental methods for structural and phase analysis of metallic and nonmetallic materials. Attention is paid mainly to the study of microstructure using state-of-the-art imaging techniques of light and electron microscopy and analytical methods of phase analysis, chemical composition and physical properties of materias (X-ray analysis, spectroscopy, dilatometry, etc.).
Students are acquainted with evaluation of individual material parameters and characteristics in accordance with valid standards.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Learning outcomes of the course unit
The knowledge of the principles and application potentials of the basic methods of structure and phase analysis, inclusive of procedures of taking and preparing specimens. Separate evaluation of structure components for all the kinds of materials under study, and assessment of the relations between the production technology, structure, and useful properties of materials.
The study of the experimental methods used in the structure analysis (morphology and phase composition) of materials requires the basic knowledge of physics and mathematics on the level offered in the course of bachelor studies, and also knowledge of materials science and engineering – on the level of BSc at the least.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
The course is taught through lectures explaining the basic principles and theory of the discipline. Teaching is suplemented by practical laboratory work.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Exam: written and oral parts.
Awarding the course-unit credit is full and active participation in exercises and credit test.
The course aims to provide students with an overview and fundamental theoretical principles of the most common methods used for complex engineering materials structural and phase analyzes in current engineering practice (physical principles of the methods, instrument parameters, application scope of the methods, etc.), inclusive of specimen preparation.
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Attendance at seminars is compulsory. Absence from seminars may be compensated for by the agreement with the teacher.
The study programmes with the given course
Programme B3A-P: Applied Sciences in Engineering, Bachelor's
branch B-MTI: Materials Engineering, compulsory
Type of course unit
39 hours, optionally
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Fundamentals of light microscopy
- distribution, light sources, parameters, BF, DF, DIC, NIC, etc.
- advantages and disadvantages of individual sys., app. utilization
2. Materialographical samples preparation
- color metallography in practice (natural etching x color etching)
- evaluating metallographic specimens
3. Image analysis – evaluation of microstructural parameters
- advantages and disadvantages of using OA systems
- examples of OA utilization (phase quant., morphological ev., thickness meas., grain size, cast iron, micro-cleaning, etc.)
4. Introduction to electron microscopy TEM, REM, EBSD, FIB, etc.
- principle, function blocks, image creation, detected signals, signal properties, contrast types
- use of TEM, REM – typical applications, sample requirements LV SEM, ESEM)
- derived techniques, SEM / FIB
5. Microalysis of chemical comp. using EDS, WDS, EBSD, etc.
- local chemical and crystallographic an. tech. for SEM – overview
- qualitative and quantitative EDS / WDS analysis, ZAF / PhiRoZ corr.
6. X-ray structural analysis (description, use)
- X-rays, RTG radiation interactions with matter, X-ray diffraction
- X-ray diffraction methods
- qualitative and quantitative X-ray diffraction analysis – sample requirements, detection limits, typical applications, limiting measurement factors
7. Methods of spectroscopic chemical analysis
- overview – advantages, disadvantages, detection limits, ranges, use
- optical emission spectr. – division, phys. principle, instrumentation
- optical emission spectrometry with glow discharge
- inductively coupled plasma spectrometry + new directions
- at. absorption spectrometry – phys. principles, absorption meas.
- combustion analyzers – analysis of C, S, O, N, H in metallic materials
8. Dilatometry
- basic physical principle, sample requirements, det. limits, app.,
- practical measurement + evaluation
9. Evaluation of basic microstructural parameters I.
- determining the inclusion content (types, ASTM, ISO, DIN)
- grain size rating according to ČSN, ASTM and ISO
- metallographic evaluation of steel sheets and stripes ČSN 42 0469
- evaluation of the carbide phase according to SEP 1520
10. Evaluation of basic microstructural parameters II.
- evaluation of the carbide phase according to SEP 1520
- assessment of castings according to ISO, ČSN
- DAS and porosity evaluation
11. Hardness / Microhardness Measurement, Evaluation of layers after thermal or microhardness. chemical-heat treatment, evaluation of weld joints
- evaluation of layers: nitridation, cementation, defecation depth, etc.
- evaluation of the quality of welded joints based on macro and microstructure
- ČSN EN ISO 6520-1, ČSN EN ISO 5818, ČSN EN 1321
12. DSC (+ DTA)
- basic physical principle, sample requirements, detection limits, typical applications, limits
- practical measurement + evaluation
13. Excursion – allied BUT aboratories visit
16 hours, compulsory
1. Preparation of samples for light and electron microscopy
2. Practical observation and evaluation structure of materials using the SM ( use of color contrast )
3. Examples use TEM ( substructure , defects, diffraction)
4. End-of-term test, awarding of credits.