Course detail
Team Project
FSI-ZKP Acad. year: 2018/2019 Winter semester
The course directly follows Parametric modeling – Inventor, Catia, Rhinoceros, Tribology, Finite element methods – ANSYS Classic, Measurement and Experiment. For each previous course a 4 project topics are presented, thus 16 projects altogether. Project topics are aimed to selected basic problems from these branches. An emphasis is put to the balance between design and analytical topics. Students divide themselves into teams of 3 to 5 members. Every team chooses one topic from each branch. Therefore, one team is managing four projects through the semester. Each project topic is supervised by the guarantor who ensures technical leading of the project through regular consultation sessions and provides additional theory background and materials. He also checks course of actions, explains mistakes to the students and show clues to successful solution. Defense of the project solution in front of expert committee takes place in the end of the course.
Examples of selected problem situations – project assignments:
Measurement of friction in the hydrodynamic bearing using Thurston experiment. Realization of experiment with crossed cylinders according to Kirk.
Creation of belt brake model for verification of the Euler equation for internal friction.
Visualization of contact stress according to the Hertz’s theory.
Finite elements method:
Design of bridge from skewers and its assessment by FEM.
Stress/strain analysis of the compression spring.
Thermal analysis of the plastic window frame using FEM.
Stress/strain analysis of the bolted joint.
Parametric modeling:
Laser 3D scanner.
Design of the 3D printer extruder.
Head for the movie camera.
Lift for correction of the optical measurement system center position.
Measurement and Experiment:
Tempering circuit of the rheometer.
Assessment of the vehicle suspension quality.
Noise source localization on heavy duty vacuum cleaner.
Design of the low-pressure piston rheometer.</br>
This course was supported under the FabLabNet project from the European Regional Development Fund within the programme "Interreg Central Europe". The course uses facilities of the open-access student workshop "StrojLab", built with the support of Institute of Machine and Industrial Design and the FabLabNet project.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Students gain experience with efficient and systematic ways of the technical problem solution and with teamwork. They also gain practical experience with the project realization which follows previously studied theory of project planning and preparation (realization of project phases, competence distribution, meet key dates of schedule, meet the budget, etc.). Students verify their knowledge obtained in Parametric modeling, Tribology, Finite elements method and Measurement and Experiment courses. As well, they learn methods of design and control of the experiments, methods of the engineering analysis and optimization and learn how to make correct technical documents. After completion of the course, they will be able to effectively deal with technical problems in above mentioned branches. They become more experienced in presentation and defense of the work results, therefore their communication skills improves significantly as well.
Knowledge in area of design, CAD systems, parametric modelling (Inventor, Catia, Rhinoceros), tribology, finite element method (ANSYS Classic), measurement and experiments, statics, kinematics, strength of materials.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Fundamentals of theory are provided during first 4 weeks of the semester in blocks of lessons. Within concentrated blocks of lessons students receive theoretical lectures on technical areas with regard to the specific project topics. The lectures are followed by practicals with computer support and in laboratories where students individually works on projects under supervision of the guarantors. Consultations with guarantors are carried within practicals (obtaining additional knowledge, methods, solutions, etc.). Emphasis is placed on systematic team approach to solving a given problem and selection of the efficient solution methods. During semester, there are two dates when more extensive inspection is carried out by presenting the current work results of the team. These practicals are attended by all students and guarantors of the topic branch.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Course-unit credit is awarded on the following conditions: regular attendance at classes, submission of four fully developed projects in digital and printed form.
In the digital format shall be delivered:
1. CAD data (for construction projects).
2. Technical report or final report.
3. Drawings (if required by assignment).
4. Poster in PPTX format and PDF format for printing.
5. Presentation in PPTX format.
In paper form will be delivered:
1. Technical or final report,
2. Drawings
Examination: exam will be awarded on the basis of presentation and successful defense. Final mark is the average of marks awarded by evaluators during defense of the project.
The course goal is practical verification of general principles in branches of tribology, finite elements methods, parametric modeling and technical measurements through application of theoretical knowledge and teamwork.
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Attendance at lectures is recommended; attendance at practicals and laboratory practicals is obligatory and checked by the lecturer. Maximum of two excused absences without compensation are allowed. In case of longer absence, compensation of missed lessons depends on the instructions of course supervisor.
The study programmes with the given course
Programme M2I-P: Mechanical Engineering, Master's
branch M-KSI: Mechanical Engineering Design, compulsory
Type of course unit
Computer-assisted exercise
105 hours, compulsory
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Bibliographic research of the technical problem.
2. Specification of the possible solutions.
3. First checkpoint with presentation of the achieved results.
4. Realization of the physical/analytical model.
5. Second checkpoint with presentation of the achieved results.
6. Verification of the physical/analytical model.
7. Processing of the results and report.