Course detail

Electrical Engineering Fundamentals

FSI-BZE-K Acad. year: 2018/2019 Summer semester

The course focuses at the basics of electric and electronic circuits, electric machines and electric drives, in the extent necessary for bachelor-level students of the given branch of study. Attention is also paid to the theory of electric measurements and the questions of safety at work. Special emphasis is put on laboratory seminars where the students get the chance to verify the selected problems presented during lectures in practice.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Learning outcomes of the course unit

The course allows the students to take up on the knowledge obtained throughout earlier study, to deepen it and to broaden it with the given fields. Emphasis is put on practical verification of theoretical knowledge in laboratory seminars.


Knowledge of mathematics and physics on the secondary education level is assumed.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The course is taught through lectures explaining the basic principles and theory of the discipline. Teaching is suplemented by practical laboratory work.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

The subject is completed with the credit and the examination. To gain the credit, the conditions and requirements prescribed at the tutorial beginning must be met, i.e. compulsory attendance in laboratory, exercise preparation, all protocols processed and submitted in time and accepted by the teacher. The teacher can verify the student’s preparedness at each tutorial beginning. The examination is based on a written test, and the student may achieve the scoring of up to 100. The final scoring rate of the test shall be classified according to the ECTS grading system.


The objective of the course is to obtain theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the basics of electrotechnics.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

The presence of students in laboratory seminars shall be checked during the semester and each laboratory report shall be scored. In case of regularly apologized student’s absence in the laboratory seminar, the student may attend the laboratory seminar together with another student group if agreed with the lecturer, or again in case of an apologized absence, to participate in the alternative laboratory seminars at the end of the semester.

The study programmes with the given course

Programme B3S-K: Engineering, Bachelor's
branch B-KSB: Quality, Reliability and Safety, compulsory

Type of course unit


Guided consultation

13 hours, optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Electrical circuits – basic quantities and basic laws, electrical circuit classification, electrical circuit elements, methods of DC circuit solutions,
2. Electrical circuits – AC circuits and three-phase circuits, electric measurements.
3. Electronic circuits – basic terms in the theory of semiconductors, semiconductor elements, opto- electronic elements.
4. Electronic circuits – transistor amplifiers, operating amplifiers, generators, stabilisers, converters.
5. Electrical machines – definitions, classification, main active parts, construction and properties of magnetic circuits, construction and properties of electrical circuits – winding
6. Transformers – definitions, classification, label, single- and three-phase transformer arrangements, principle of single-phase transformer operation.
7. Transformers – unloaded transformers, loaded transformers, short-circuited transformer, three- phase transformer, parallel operation, efficiency, special transformers.
8. Asynchronous machines – definitions, characteristics, design, classification, application, principle of operation, idle operation, short-circuited operation, loaded operation.
9. Asynchronous machines – efficiency, asynchronous generator, start, speed control, braking, single-phase asynchronous motor.
10. DC machines – definitions, characteristics, design, classification, application, principle of operation, operating characteristics of dynamos, machines provided with permanent magnets, operating characteristics of DC motors.
11. Synchronous machines – definitions, design, classification, basic theory of synchronous enerator, synchronous generators connected to grid, machines provided with permanent magnets, synchronous motor.
12. Special electrical machines: stepp

Laboratory exercise

4 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


The following six exercises are held once in two weeks, the exercise takes two lessons.
1.Introduction, administrative affairs, safety at work – instructions,safety at work – tests, theoretical principles of electrical measurements.
2.DC circuits and electronic circuits, AC electrical circuits.
3.Three-phase transformer.
4.Asynchronous motor.
5.DC motor.
6.Synchronous machine.
The following exercise takes one lesson.
7.Course-unit credit.