Course detail

Electrical Servodrives

FSI-GES-K Acad. year: 2018/2019 Summer semester

The subject provides students with the knowledge of basic problems of electric servodrives and their role in driving production machines and equipment. It concerns with defining basic requirements regarding static and dynamic characteristics of servomechanisms, explaning principles of activities of the most important components of electric servo mechanisms, methodology of the design of the most frequently used feedback circuits (position loop, speed feedback, current feedback, position servomechanism with subordinated current and speed loop, dynamic submission of position loop, communication between numeric control system and machine drives), and the description of the interaction with the inertial load at servomechanisms.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Learning outcomes of the course unit

The subject of Electrical Servodrives enables students to acquire knowledge needed for the design and optimal setting of production machines and equipment drives in compliance with technical documentation of the drives producer of, control systems and other necessary components. Students will also gain practical skills needed for servicing and diagnostics of simple faults of electric servomechanisms.


Fundamentals of dynamics mechanisms.
Fundamentals of theory of linear control systems.
Fundamental of sensors position.
Velocity and current characteristics.
Mathematical models of electrical machines.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The course is taught through lectures explaining the basic principles and theory of the discipline.
According to the possibility of teaching can be organized lectures for students by practitioners and excursions to companies focused on activities related to the course content.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

The examination is combined, consists of an oral and a written part.


The aim of the subject is to provide students with the information on the current status and possibilities provided by the electric drives engineering for application in production machines and equipment. The task of the subject is to reach basic knowledge on such a level, so as the students are able to apply the above stated equipment and their components in their profession and to get orientation in the wide market offer of individual producers.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

The subject contains only lectures. Missed lectures are not compensated.

The study programmes with the given course

Type of course unit


Guided consultation

9 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Methodology of servo drives designing.
2. Basic static and dynamic characteristics and requirements regarding servo drives of operation machines.
3. Requirements towards spindle drives and traverse of NC machines and robot drives.
4. Regulators.
5. Application of linear regulation circuit basics in electric servomechanisms.
6. Types of servomechanisms, simple position loop.
7. Speed feedback.
8. Current feedback.
9. Position servomechanism with subordinated current and speed loop.
10.Dynamic submission of position loop, criteria of drives quality.
11.Drives with DC and EC motors.
12.Drives with asynchronous motors.
13.Drives with synchronous and stepping motors.