Course detail

Modern Methods of Constructional and Strength Calculations

FSI-GMK-K Acad. year: 2018/2019 Winter semester

Students taking part in this course obtain the basic knowledge about structural analysis at application of numerical methods. At the structural analysis they learn to define creation of geometry and elements as well as to define boundary conditions, load, etc. A part of teaching is aimed at MKP possibilities and limitations integrated in the current CAD systems (Autodesk Inventor, Pro/Mechanica). At the end of the course, everything is demonstrated on the some examples from the designing practice in the company.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Learning outcomes of the course unit

Students taking part in this course obtain knowledge about the limit states in design of production machines and about structural analysis at their numerical solution.


The expected knowledge is from the field of mechanics of rigid bodies, especially from the field of elasticity and strength. The student should be orientated in the field of machine parts and machine mechanisms. The student must know principles of numerical mathematics, especially solution principles of the system of linear equations.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The course is taught through exercises which are focused on practical topics presented in lectures.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Credit: Attendance at exercises and lessons, making a simulation model of a production system.
Examination: written and oral examination.


The contents of the subject are represented by obtaining the basic knowledge about limit states in design of production machines. There are applied limit states at design of production machines here. Moreover, the basic experience and skill with the ANSYS program are taught in this subject. Students become acquainted with solution principles.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Teaching is performed in dependence on the schedule at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The missed teaching and lessons can be compensated by means of individual consultations.

The study programmes with the given course

Type of course unit


Guided consultation

17 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Definition of limit states in design of production machines
2. Analytical calculation methods of limit states in design of production machines
3. Limit states of brittle materials, frames of production machines
4. Limit states of tough materials, power output elements of production machines
5. Types of metal materials in building of production machines, their application with regard to the limit states
6. Design recommendations with regard to the limit states
7. Numerical solution methods of the limit states
8. Preprocessor, postprocessor and solver
9. General methodology and practical principles at modelling
10. Optimization of a geometric shape
11. Contact tasks, geometrically non-linear tasks. modal tasks, temperature field
12. Comparison of calculations, comparison of analytical and numerical methods
13. Practical examples