Course detail

Measurement and Regulation in Power Engineering

FSI-LMR Acad. year: 2022/2023 Summer semester

The course discusses current trends in the management and regulation of energy devices. The emphasis is on sensors, control circuits of partial components and complex regulation of power units in relation to the electrical system.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits



Learning outcomes of the course unit

Students gain knowledge in the field of measurement, control and regulation of energy systems. They get to know the basic types of control circuits in energetics, their key components and the issue of appropriate use of these components.


Boilers, Heat turbines and turbocompressors, Heat turbines I., II.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The course is taught in blocks. In the first half of the semester there will be only lectures that have the character of an explanation of the basic principles and theory of the discipline. In the second half there will be an exercise, which is focused on the practical mastery of the material covered in lectures.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Exam – written, oral part. The exam will be divided into two parts with a total achievable number of points of 100. Each part of the exam will have a achievable 50 points and will be divided between the examiner.
Credit – conditions of award: participation and active work on exercises.

Work placements


The student will get acquainted with the basic types of control circuits, their key components – sensors, actuators, control systems and the necessary electrical elements for actuator control.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Optional lectures, seminars min. 75% participation in seminars, replacement by study of recommended literature.

The study programmes with the given course

Programme N-ETI-P: Power and Thermo-fluid Engineering, Master's
specialization ENI: Power Engineering, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hours, optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Basic control circuit, key components of control circuit for energy systems. Electrical controls and their use in regulation (continuous, On / Off and PWM).
2. Feedback elements: temperature, pressure, flow, level sensors, sensors for fuel metering control, safety elements. Key features of feedback elements (resolution, accuracy and response), areas of application and data collection.
3. Actuators: electric heat sources, electrically operated valves, control of pumps, belt conveyors, fuel feeders and safety elements. Key features of actuators (response, controllability and achievable control accuracy), control of actuator functionality.
4. Control systems – electronic devices for control of energy systems – basic properties, areas of use. Regulators and their parameters used in control systems.
5. Control and regulation in the field of electrical system (frequency, voltage, power), primary, secondary, tertiary regulation. Real behavior of electricity producers (nuclear plant, steam plant, combi cycle power plant, hydro, pumped, wind, solar) during the day, week, year.
6. Regulatory options of individual electricity producers. Possibilities of active power regulation, response to power change, control ranges, control stability.
7. Basic control links of the boiler, dynamics of boilers for solid and liquid fuels. Superheated and reheated steam temperature control. Power regulation of drum and flow boilers.
8. Control and regulation of partial functional units (fans, compressors, pumps and other energy equipment.

Computer-assisted exercise

13 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


9. Exercises – The design of a power supply station with a pump controlled by a frequency converter and a pump with regulation of throttling in the discharge. Comparison of proposed variants and the impact on the economics of operation. Specification of documents for management.
10. Exercises – Production of hydrogen from RES. Design of technological solutions, control and regulation. Specification of documents for management.
11. Exercises – Basics of measurement and data collection, temperature measurement and verification of achievable parameters of thermoelectric and resistance temperature sensors.
12. Exercises – Temperature control on a laboratory model, demonstration of pressure and flow measurement in pneumatic circuits.
13. Individual consultations, credits.