Course detail

Technical Measurement

FSI-VTM Acad. year: 2022/2023 Winter semester

The course is first focused on clarifying the concept and content of technical measurements (metrology). Furthermore, attention is focused on measuring instruments, their properties, block diagram of the measuring chain and its analysis, block diagram of a digital measuring instrument, to clarify the measurement process controlled by a microprocessor, wireless communication and virtual instrumentation. Subsequently, methods and instruments for measuring lengths, angles, threads, deformation, pressure, force, torque, acceleration, level, flow, humidity, temperature and selected electrical quantities are discussed. Special emphasis is placed on computer-based measurement and data collection, in terms of measurement on communication in information and industrial networks, on multifunctional systems, measuring cards, multifunctional cards and modular data collection systems, including software and development environments.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Learning outcomes of the course unit

The output of the study "Technical Measurements" is an understanding of the basic facts of the field and also clarification of the context needed for technical practice. The student will gain at a relatively high level of competence in the field of technical measurements (metrology).


Basic knowledge of physics, mathematics, statistics, mechanics, electrical engineering and automation is assumed, at the level of completed subjects within the previous secondary school study, or previously completed university study subjects.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The course is taught in the form of lectures, which are an explanation of the basic principles and theory of the discipline. Teaching is complemented by laboratory exercises, where the theoretical knowledge gained from lectures is practically verified. Where possible, lectures will be organized for practitioners and field trips to companies dealing with activities related to the subject matter.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

The laboratory exercise is completed by a credit (it is awarded in the 13th teaching week). To obtain it, 100% participation in exercises, activity in exercises and elaboration, submission and teacher recognition of protocols (reports) from all prescribed laboratory exercises is required. Further details are communicated to students at the beginning of the semester. Obtaining a credit is a necessary condition for participation in the exam. The exam consists of a written part followed by an oral interview. In the written part, the student will process five assigned questions. In the oral part, the orientation in the studied issues is examined. The evaluation of the written part, the oral part and the overall evaluation of the exam is given by the classification scale according to ECTS.

Work placements

Internships are not expected.


Students are comprehensively acquainted with modern issues of technical measurements. They will gain an overview of the devices, methods used, measurement accuracy, data collection, communication in information and communication networks, multifunctional systems and software for data collection and evaluation. The aim of the above is to teach students to apply the acquired knowledge of metrology in solving various technical problems in industrial practice.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Controlled participation in lessons: Controlled participation in lessons: 100% attendance at seminars is required. In case of absence, the student is obliged to compensate the lessons.

Recommended optional programme components

If possible, it is possible to supplement the teaching of excursions to selected industrial companies or a lecture by invited experts from practice.

The study programmes with the given course

Programme B-STR-P: Engineering, Bachelor's
specialization AIŘ: Applied Computer Science and Control, compulsory

Type of course unit



39 hours, optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


  1. Technical measurements (metrology), introduction to the issue. Measurement errors, error distribution, measurement uncertainties, standard uncertainty type A, type B, standard combined uncertainty, expanded uncertainty

  2. Measuring instruments, their properties, block diagram of measuring chain, block diagram of digital measuring instrument, measurement process controlled by microprocessor, wireless communication, virtual instrumentation

  3. Length measurement, division of length gauges, end gauges, gauges for absolute length measurement, calipers, micrometric gauges, angle control, angular measures, protractors, thread control, gear control

  4. Deformation measurement, strain gauges, resistance strain gauges, use of strain gauges, pressure measurement, strain gauges, electric pressure gauges, force measurement, torque measurement, acceleration measurement

  5. Level measurement, level meters, flow measurement, flow meters, humidity measurement

  6. Touch and non-contact temperature measurement, thermal imagers and their properties

  7. Measurement of weight, amount of heat, concentration, density, measurement of viscosity, electrolytic conductivity

  8. Measurement of electrical quantities, basic measuring systems and methods, electronic measuring instruments, digital measuring instruments, counter, oscilloscope, measuring transducers

  9. Measurement and data collection using a computer, communication in information and industrial networks

  10. Personal computer bus, bus for industrial automation, industrial Enthernet, current loop, HART communication protocol, IO-link communication standard, converters between buses

  11. Multifunctional systems for data collection, measuring cards DAQ, multifunctional cards, modular systems for data collection

  12. Software for data collection and processing, operating systems, drivers and software, development environments, lower and higher programming languages, text programming languages ​​(C ++, Java, Python, MATLAB), visual-graphical programming languages ​​(G language, LabVIEW, Function Block Diagram)

Laboratory exercise

26 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer



  1. Introduction, organizational support, work safety

  2. Measurement errors, measurement uncertainties, standard uncertainty type A

  3. Standard uncertainty type B, standard combined uncertainty, expanded uncertainty

  4. Introduction to measuring instruments and their properties

  5. Length measurement, gauges for absolute measurement, calipers, micrometric gauges

  6. Deformation measurement, strain gauges

  7. Measurement of selected mechanical quantities

  8. Introduction and work with electronic devices

  9. Counter, oscilloscope, measuring transducers, operation and measurement

  10. Measurement of electrical quantities

  11. Software for data collection and processing, work with Matlab program, use for solving specific tasks

  12. Use of programming language LabView in metrology, use for solving specific tasks