Course detail

Turbines and Turbocompressors

FSI-LT1 Acad. year: 2023/2024 Summer semester

The course Turbines and turbocompressors is a direct continuation of the course Turbomachines (LLS). The introductory part of the course is devoted to fluid dynamics, which complements the theory of turbomachines so that it is possible to explain the design and operation of wind and heat turbines and turbocompressors in a comprehensive and contextual manner. Construction, design, operational, economic and ecological impacts are continuously pointed out. During the course of study, students are introduced to the development of knowledge bases and their application in the design of heat turbines and turbocompressors, achieved results and future prospects.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits



Entry knowledge

Theory of turbomachines, thermomechanics basics and the basics of energy industry.

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

Course-unit credit requirements: Credit: Active participation in the exercise. The ability to solve assigned problems is verified. Solving the credit problem is a condition for obtaining course-unit credit.

Exam: The knowledge acquired during the entire semester is tested.
The exam has a written part and a conditional oral part.
The final evaluation is composed of the results of the credit and the exam.


Semestral exam.


The target of the course is to enable students to understand the basic principles of turbines and turbocompressors so that they are able to work at any level of design, production and operation of turbines and turbocompressors.

The result of the course is the education of students in the field of fluid dynamics, wind turbines, heat turbines and turbocompressors.

The study programmes with the given course

Programme N-ETI-P: Power and Thermo-fluid Engineering, Master's
specialization ENI: Power Engineering, compulsory

Type of course unit



39 hours, optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


Fluid dynamics:
1. Thermodynamic properties of fluid
1-2. Throttling of gases and steam
2-3. Mach number and effects at high velocity flow
3-4.  Flow of gases and steam through nozzles
4.  Flow of gases and steam through diffusers

Turbines and turbocompressors:
5-6. Wind turbines
6. Wind power plant
7-8. Thermodynamics of heat turbines and turbocompressors and gas flow
9-10. Turbocompressors
11-12. Combusion turbines and turbocharges
13. Materials and machine parts of turbomachines


26 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


The content of the exercise is the solution of problems:

1-2. Application comparing isobaric method for thermodynamic calculation of turbomachines

3-4. Calculation of twisted blade at case compressible flow and internal losses

5. Solving of problems with throttling of steam; Solving of problems with shock waves

6. Calculation actual expansion inside nozzle and design its contour; calculation of labyrinth seal losses

7. Calculation of diffuzor contour at pressure gradient constant.

8-9. Problems with wind turbine blades

10. Base design of steam turbine reaction stage

11. Calculation of preheater factor at multistage compressor; calculation of polytropic efficiency at internal cooling of compressor

12. Calculation of polytropic efficiency of compressor with external cooling

13. Credit paper