Course detail

Computer Graphics I

FSI-YPB Acad. year: 2023/2024 Winter semester

The content of the course is work with raster 2D graphics, which is one of the basic prerequisites for the ability to present the outputs of work in industrial design. The essence of the course is the creation of graphics for printed and digital media, computer visualization, preprocessing and postprocessing of 2D graphics. Students will gain the ability to work with graphic materials (photographs, renders, digital drawing) and create them.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Entry knowledge

Students are expected to have elementary knowledge of working with PC, Windows and the ability of creative thinking.

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

Classified credit requirements: attendance in lessons, meeting deadlines of assigned projects, practical test verifying the knowledge of work with the software and ability of creative work. Resulting evaluation consists of evaluation of indiividual projects, tasks and a test. In total it will be possible to acquire 100 points. Resulting classification will be defined by the ECTS scale. If some of the projects and test are awarded less than half of the maximum pts., final evaluation of the course is "failed". According to the article No. 13 of Study and Examination Rules of Brno University of Technology ECTS evaluation degree scale is used. . If some of the projects are awarded less than 50 pts., final evaluation of the course is "failed". The course is evaluated with the following grades: ECTS EVALUATION DEGREES / PTS. RATING / NUMERIC RATING: A / 100 – 90 / 1 / Excellent; B /89 – 80 / 1,5 / Very good; C / 79 – 70 / 2 / Good; D / 69 – 60 / Satisfactory; E / 59 – 50 / Sufficient; F / 49 – 0 / 4 / Failed.
Attendance at seminars is obligatory and checked by the teacher. Compensation of missed lessons depends on the instructions of course supervisor. Students have to be present in scheduled hours in the computer lab and work on projects and wait for consultation. The absences are possible only due similar reasons as by work law, e.g. Illness. Unexcused absence may cause denial of credit.


The aim of the course is to acquire the competencies necessary for the creation of quality graphic outputs of their projects (images in technical reports and presentations, presentation posters, visualizations).
Students will gain the ability to work with raster graphics, create it, edit and export for various digital and printing applications, including preparation for 3D software. On practical tasks, they will try working in color environments, exporting data for various formats, working with resolution, transparency, masks with light images and more.

The study programmes with the given course

Programme B-PDS-P: Industrial Design, Bachelor's, compulsory

Type of course unit


Computer-assisted exercise

39 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


- Introduction to basic concepts of computer graphics. Explanation of raster, vector graphics, compression types, color spaces, DPI, resolution and other concepts from the field.
- Introduction to the graphical editor and program environment. Explanation of the philosophy of work, establishing a new project, layout of the main tools, working with files. Working with their control layers and blending modes.
- Selection tools and their possibilities in creating graphics (magic wand lasso, etc.) and working with them.
- Working with selections, tools for manual selection, area selection, selection by color, advanced selection tools, Task to practice the placement of any object in real photography.
- Getting acquainted with the non-destructive way of working. Basic acquaintance with masks and their use.
- Complex explanation of masks (pixel, vector), their creation and examples of use. Practical examples of camouflage from simple to complex cases.
- Retouching tools. Retouching brushes, cloning stamp, content-Aware tools. Advanced object transformations.
- Layer styles, wallpapers and vector layers. Font and typography in a graphic editor. Image editing and editing layers. Overview of non-destructive image editing.
- Smart objects and non-destructive way of working. Use of objects in more complex compositions intended for printing.
- Introduction of layer filters, their division and use on practical examples. Demonstration of layer effects and their use.
- Advanced brush properties, custom brushes, brush import, use of pressure and simulated pressure for work tool properties. Use of brushes in creative work.
- Creation of a complex composition. Project management and graphic materials in production.
- Final task – digital assembly. Demonstration of the use of available tools in the creation and digital manipulation of the image. Background texturing, matte painting, color adjustments and final image processing.