Course detail

Technical English for Master's Degree

FSI-7AZM Acad. year: 2023/2024 Summer semester

The exam tests the ability to use language independently at B2 level, with an emphasis on the needs of successful communication in technical fields. The written part tests knowledge of grammar and professional vocabulary acquired in previous study. In the oral part, students need to prove they are able to express themselves spontaneously, and to demonstrate their ability to use specific language skills needed in engineering (e.g. describing processes, writing reports, and other communication in the workplace).

Language of instruction


Entry knowledge

Knowledge of grammar and professional vocabulary learnt in the courses A5 and A6 is regarded as a minimum to pass the exam.

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

The exam has a written and an oral part and tests English at B2 level. The written part focuses on grammar and technical vocabulary. The oral part tests fluency, pronunciation and ability to use professional vocabulary and grammar covered in the compulsory literature. In both parts, students are required to collect at least 50% of the points.

There are no lessons.


The aim of the exam is to demonstrate that the student is able to communicate in English independently at B2 level with the focus on functional language.

A student who successfully passes the 7AZM exam understands the main ideas of complex texts on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation. A successful exam candidate can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity, explain and present various topics, explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options. The scope corresponds to B2 level and the content of the courses A5 and A6 (see the courses documentation).

The study programmes with the given course

Programme N-PDS-P: Industrial Design, Master's, elective

Programme N-MET-P: Mechatronics, Master's, elective

Programme N-PMO-P: Precise Mechanics and Optics, Master's, elective

Programme N-PRI-P: Process Engineering, Master's, elective

Programme N-FIN-P: Physical Engineering and Nanotechnology, Master's, elective

Programme N-KSB-P: Quality, Reliability and Safety, Master's, elective

Programme N-KSI-P: Mechanical Engineering Design, Master's, elective

Programme N-SLE-P: Foundry Technology, Master's, elective

Programme N-AIŘ-P: Applied Computer Science and Control, Master's, elective

Programme N-MTI-P: Materials Engineering, Master's, elective

Programme N-MAI-P: Mathematical Engineering, Master's, elective

Programme N-ADI-P: Automotive and Material Handling Engineering, Master's, elective

Programme N-VSR-P: Production Machines, Systems and Robots, Master's, elective

Programme N-IMB-P: Engineering Mechanics and Biomechanics, Master's
specialization BIO: Biomechanics, elective

Programme N-ETI-P: Power and Thermo-fluid Engineering, Master's
specialization ENI: Power Engineering, elective

Programme N-ETI-P: Power and Thermo-fluid Engineering, Master's
specialization FLI: Fluid Engineering, elective

Programme N-IMB-P: Engineering Mechanics and Biomechanics, Master's
specialization IME: Engineering Mechanics, elective

Programme N-STG-P: Manufacturing Technology, Master's
specialization MTS: Modern Technologies of Lighting Systems, elective

Programme N-STG-P: Manufacturing Technology, Master's
specialization STG: Manufacturing Technology, elective

Programme N-LKT-P: Aerospace Technology , Master's
specialization STL: Aircraft Design, elective

Programme N-STG-P: Manufacturing Technology, Master's
specialization STM: Manufacturing Technology and Management in Industry, elective

Programme N-ETI-P: Power and Thermo-fluid Engineering, Master's
specialization TEP: Environmental Engineering, elective

Programme N-LKT-P: Aerospace Technology , Master's
specialization TLT: Airtransport and Airport Technology, elective

Type of course unit


Guided consultation

1 hours, compulsory


There are no lessons.