Course detail

Fundamentals of Quality Management and Environment

FSI-BMK Acad. year: 2024/2025 Winter semester

This course provides students with information on the system of quality management (ČSN EN ISO 9001) and system of environment-oriented management (ČSN EN ISO 14001). Students get to understand the principles of the process approach to all activities performed within the system of quality management and learn to apply them also in the system of risk management. They also learn to measure the effectively of the processes and to obtain feedback for assessment of the satisfaction of customers. They understand the significance of the principle of continuous improvement of processes and the basics of management of the impacts of activities, products and services on the environment in accordance with the environmental policy and targets of an enterprise.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Entry knowledge

General economic awareness is assumed, as well as knowledge of technology, mathematics and physics to the extent usual for the relevant year of the Bachelor's degree.

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

Students must defend a semestral project on a given topic.

Test consisting of 25 questions (max. 25points).
Rating: 24,50 points or more A; 23,50 points or more B; 22 points or more C; 20 points or more D; 18 points or more E

The attendance at seminars is compulsory. Lectures are voluntary. 


The aim of the course is to provide students with the most important theoretical knowledge supplemented with concrete examples and methods of application enabling them to understand the meaning and tasks of quality and environmental management and OSH management. To lead students to acquire knowledge about the internal and external environment of the organization and to learn to use the methods and tools of quality management.

The graduate acquires the ability to perceive:
- risk from the perspective of ensuring the quality of the product (product or service),
- the importance of the principle of continuous process improvement in reducing risk,
- the need to manage the environmental impact of their activities, products and services,
- the need to manage safe ways of working and the use of safe work equipment.

The study programmes with the given course

Programme C-AKR-P: , Lifelong learning
specialization CZS: , elective

Programme B-STR-P: Engineering, Bachelor's
specialization KSB: Quality, Reliability and Safety, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hours, optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Introduction to course – basic terminology and definitions
2. Dimension of quality. Orientation at customer.
3. Orientation to processes and their control
4. Seven basic tools of quality management
5. Seven new tools of quality management
6. Interpretation of ISO 9000 series standards
7. Interpretation of ISO 9000 series standards – second part
8. Significance of the environmental management
9. Assessment of the environmental impacts of company processes
10. Interpretation of ISO 14000 series standards
11. Interpretation of ISO 14000 series standards
12. Process of continuous improvement
13. Laboratory accreditation and testing


26 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Basic terminology, economics, environment, business and quality
2. Company goals, property and capital structure
3. Organizational context
4. Costs of quality
5. Risk analyses
6. Process mapping
7. Leadership
8. Environmental aspects
9. Obligatory duties of an organization
10. PDCA model
11. – 12. Semestral project of students on selected topics and discussion. Range of topics correlates with the themes of the lectures.
13. Presenation and defence of semestral projects.