Course detail
Bachelor Seminar (B-SSZ)
FSI-FES Acad. year: 2024/2025 Summer semester
In this course, in the introductory part, students are introduced to the manner and methods of processing a bachelor's thesis and its subsequent presentation as part of the defense at the state final exam. In the following part, the students present in the form of a ten-minute presentation about the results they obtained while preparing their bachelor's theses. The presentations are always followed by a short professional discussion.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Entry knowledge
Students are expected to have certain knowledge acquired when working out the bachelor project.
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Conditions for granting credit: Active participation in seminars and a lecture on your bachelor's thesis. Attendance at the seminar is mandatory and will be checked regularly. The form of replacement of lessons missed for serious reasons is decided individually with the guarantor of the subject. The condition for granting classified credit is the presentation of the bachelor's thesis in preparation. Evaluation: The following 4 criteria are evaluated: 1. Preparation (content – substance) – evaluation of the quality of the content of the presentation (20 points) 2. Presentation (fluency of speech, expression) – assessment of self-presentation, terminology, fluency and continuity in speech (20 points) 3. Presentation (projection) – evaluation of the graphics, style and clarity of the presentation (40 points) 4. Completeness of the work – evaluation of the scope of the presented work with regard to the presentation date in the semester (20 points). The resulting assessment is based on the BUT classification scale – ECTS.
The student will learn to search for relevant sources and cite them correctly. Furthermore, prepare a more extensive technical text and then present it to the professional public. In this way, he prepares for his performance in the defense of his bachelor's project. The student will learn to speak in public and speak professionally.
Study aids
Study supports are the content of E-learning materials that are accessible to students. It is a bachelor's thesis template, a template for its presentation and a set of presentations with instructions (in pdf format).
The study programmes with the given course
Programme B-STR-P: Engineering, Bachelor's
specialization SSZ: Machine and Equipment Construction, compulsory
Type of course unit
13 hours, compulsory
Teacher / Lecturer
Syllabus 6. Getting acquainted with the manner and methods of processing a bachelor's thesis. Searching for and citing sources, plagiarism, rules for writing and editing bachelor's theses, current BUT regulations for final theses and their evaluation.
7. to 13. In these weeks, presentations of students' bachelor's theses in progress will take place (in the range of 10 + 5 minutes) so that every student can make a presentation. If necessary, teaching groups will be divided in terms of number so that there is enough time for the presentation of each student.