Course detail
Computational Fluid Dynamics
FSI-MVP Acad. year: 2024/2025 Summer semester
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is one of the three pillars of modern fluid dynamics (theoretical fluid dynamics, experimental fluid dynamics, CFD). Spreading of the CFD codes into practice requires acquainting with methods of numerical solution of fluid flow. Their knowledge is necessary for correct evaluation of the computational simulation results and qualified usage of CFD software not only for fluid machines and systems design, but always when liquid and gas flow matters.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Entry knowledge
Knowledge of basic equations of fluid flow, basics of work with PC.
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Oral and written part, evaluation of the project reports. Overall grading according to ECTS scale.
All reports and project outputs are written in English.
Attendance is recorded, limited absence is judged individually. 4-5 individual and team project reports.
Aquainting with principles of computational fluid dynamics, gaining necessary theoretical background and skills for practical work with CFD software. Basics of team project work in computational modeling.
Student will get acquinted with principles of numerical solution of fluid flow (especially using finite volume method), theory and modeling of turbulent flow and with optimization methods for fluid machines and elements design. Student will obtain skills of work with particular CFD code (ANSYS Fluent).
The study programmes with the given course
Programme C-AKR-P: , Lifelong learning
specialization CLS: , elective
Programme N-ETI-P: Power and Thermo-fluid Engineering, Master's
specialization FLI: Fluid Engineering, compulsory
Type of course unit
39 hours, optionally
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Role of CFD in design of fluid machines, advantages and limitations of computational modeling. Motivating presentation of CFD applications.
2. Basic differential equations of fluid mechanics, mathematical classification of these equations, necessity of numerical solution.
3. Approaches to discretization of partial differential equations (finite differences, volumes, elements). Finite volume method (FVM).
4. Application of FVM to 1D and 2D diffusion. Solution of the systém of equations. Convergence.
5. Unsteady problem. Explicit, implicit scheme.
6. Advection – diffusion problem, algorithm SIMPLE.
7. Flow in rotating frame of reference (multiple reference frame, mixing plane, sliding mesh), multiphase flow ; basic principles.
8. Turbulence, possibilities of computational solution. Statistical analysis. Reynolds equations. Turbulent stress tensor. Problem of the equation systém closure. Boussinesque hypothesis.
9. Turbulence models (zero, one, two equation models, Reynolds stress model). Large eddy simulation. Direct numerical simulation.
10. Advanced turbulence models (scale resolved, hybrid)
11. Near wall modeling (wall functions, two layer approach). Visualization in CFD environment.
12. Shape optimization of fluid elements, Geometry parametrization, objective function definition, interconnecting of optimization and CFD. Principles of some optimization methods.
13. Integration of CFD process of research and development. Presentation on the real example of fluid machine or element (together with presentation of the research engineer from industry).
Computer-assisted exercise
26 hours, compulsory
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Project 1: Computational modeling and experimental visualization of selected flow phenomenon.
2.-4. Acquainting with flow simulation process (preprocessor + solver + postprocessor). Application in Ansys Fluent environment. Basics of geometry modeling (SpaceClaim, Ansys Modeler) and mesh building (Ansys Mesh, Fluent Meshing)
Project 2 : setting up a script for postprocessing
6.-7. Project 3: Industrial project
8.-11. Project 4 : Industrial project
12.-13. Project 5: Shape optimization in CFD environment