Course detail

Materials Physics

FSI-5FM-A Acad. year: 2024/2025 Winter semester

The purporse of the course "Physics of materials" is to give to students necessary teoretical basic of turn-key solution of material problems. The main issue of this course is physical basis for manufacturing technologies of metalic constructional materials i.e. shanking, welding, cutting and founding. It includes phisico-chemical basic of production and treatment of ceramic and macromolecurlar materials as well as. In this way it creates cross-disciplinary structure with technologies of non-metalic materials. It gives information on deformation and fracture behaviour of materials, failure mechanisms and fracture mechanics bases. The knowledge of these course is presumtion of creative work in the field of engineering science i.e. engineering nad casting technology and engineering materials.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Entry knowledge

The course continue knowledges from atomic composition field, chemical thermodynamic, electrochemistry, crystalline composition of metals, equilibrium and disequilibrium phase transformations focused on metal systems, deformation and fracture behaviour of materials and knowledge of structure and properties of basic groups of metalic and nonmetalic materials

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

Students have to take part in all practices, to give over all protocols of laboratory practices which have to have commensurate scientific and graphic form and student have to elaborate final semestral thesis which will be include in the exam clasification. At the exam will be checked knowledeges of given topics mainly ba written form. Topics will be notified to students in the begining of the course.At the verbal part of the exam student will answer question for other knowledges verification. Final clasification includes: protocols valuation, and result of the written an verbal part of the exam.
Participation in practices is mandatory, must be properly excused absence, the basic credit condition is continuous giving over proctocols as well as. Knowledges of lectured topics will be checked by short tests. In the case of sik leave in practice given topic will be supplied by individual submission.


The aim of this course is to notify students of inner structure of real crystalic and amorphous materials (metals, polymers, ceramics)and of the influence of defects interaction and circulation on their material manufacture qualities and technological properties. The task of this course is to give knowledges about relationship among phase composition, material transformations and mechanical and brittle failure properties.

This subject is included into study plan of 3rd year of general bachelor's study as a compulsory-optional one. It is recommended as a prerequisite of branches M-KSB or M-MTL.
This course allowes students to obtain knowledges about inner structure of constructional materials and about thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of their phase transformations. In the course will be lectured destcription and law suits of diffusional process with reference to given phase transformations.Studets get knowledges about deformation and fracture behaviour of materials,fracture mechanics bases and selected processes of degradation (corrosion,abrasion)as well as.

The study programmes with the given course

Programme B-STI-Z: Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering, Bachelor's, recommended course

Programme B-STI-A: Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering, Bachelor's, compulsory-optional

Programme C-AKR-P: , Lifelong learning
specialization CZS: , elective

Programme B-ZSI-P: Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering, Bachelor's
specialization STI: Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering, compulsory-optional

Type of course unit



39 hours, optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


Periodic system of elements, Chemical bound in solids.
The inner composition of metals and alloys, polymers and ceramic materials.
Defects of inner composition and it´s signification.
Thermodynamic of phase transformation of pure substance, solutions and intermediary phases. Entalphy diagrams.
Kinetic of phase transformations.
Diffusion in metals and alloys.
Using termodynamic, kinetic and diffusion in phase transformations. Transformations ordered by diffusion. Non-diffusion transformations.
Elastic, anelastic and plastic deformation. Types of hardening. Softening processes.
Bases of linear-elastic and elastic-plastic fracture mechanic.
Fracture behaviour of metals and alloys – ductile, brittle and fatigue fracture and creep fracture
Fracture behaviour of pomlymer and ceramic
Other degradation processes of materials – corrosion, abrasion etc.

Laboratory exercise

26 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


Crystal structures I – Miller´s indexes of directions and plains.
Crystal structures II – Bases atoms in crystal lettice.
Structure and properties of polymers.
Thermodynamic of pure substations – dependences determination of H,S,G = (T).
Thermodynamic of solutions – thermodynamic activity determination by method of carrier gas. The test.
Enthalpic diagrams for basic constitution diagrams.
Enthalpic diagrams for Fe – Fe3C system.
Size and growing of Austenite grain – driving force of growing determination, kinetic of grain growing.
Diffusion – I. and II. Fick´s law.
Overcooled austenite transformations – proeutectoid ferrite forming. The test.
Overcooled austenite transformations – IRA and ARA diagrams construction.
Fracture thoughness – testing, methodology and calculations, semestral thesis giving over.
X-ray analysis of the structure – interplane distance determination and the credit.