Course detail

Industry Marketing

FP-SpmP Acad. year: 2024/2025 Summer semester

Modern conception of marketing, basic presumptions for its application, basis of marketing conception in business and its realization tools. Marketing mix. Marketing company strategy. Marketing features in basic market segments. 

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Entry knowledge

The subject knowledge on the Bachelor´s degree level is requested. 

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

The course ends with credit and an exam.

The overall point assessment in the subject is divided as follows:

Active participation in lectures 10 points, preparation of a team project and its defense 50 points, an e-learning test 10 points and an oral exam 30 points.


Obtaining a considerable scale of information from marketing area, with strong emphasis to contemporary marketing approaches. Examples of successfull apprication of marketing philosophy are given. The course covers a broad spectrum of both theoretical approaches and practical examples. 
Studying in this module should contribute to the development of the following skills:
Work effectively. Take responsibility for their own continuous learning and self-development. Decide upon and focus on achieving key study objectives. Use analytical and conceptual thinking in carrying out study tasks. Exhibit skills of oral, written and technological communication. 

The study programmes with the given course

Programme MGR-SRP: Strategic Company Development , Master's, elective

Programme N-KSI-P: Mechanical Engineering Design, Master's, compulsory

Programme MPC-EVM: Electrical Manufacturing and Management, Master's, compulsory

Programme N-PDS-P: Industrial Design, Master's, compulsory

Programme N-STG-P: Manufacturing Technology, Master's
specialization MTS: Modern Technologies of Lighting Systems, compulsory

Programme N-STG-P: Manufacturing Technology, Master's
specialization STM: Manufacturing Technology and Management in Industry, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hours, optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


Introduction to marketing, conditions for application of marketing
Market, market segmentation, strategies based on segmentation
Specific features of marketing in service sector
Customer – expectations, satisfaction
Competition – types of competition, competition vs. Cooperation
Porter´s five forces model
Marketing mix elements – product, price, place, promotion
Marketing research
Marketing audit
Contemporary trends in marketing (CRM, e-commerce, ...)

Fundamentals seminar

26 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


Introduction to subject, program of lectures and practices, rules of credit, seminary assignments
Bases of marketing
Assessment of market volume and market share.
Test No. 1 – Package
Analysis of assortment cross
Case study – introduction of product to market
Portfolio analysis
Test No. 2 -- Test of Price Sensibility
Presentation of seminary assignment results
Support of sale, sale places
Case study – Telemarketing