Course detail

Aircraft On-Board Systems

FSI-9PSL Acad. year: 2025/2026 Both semester

Aircraft on-board systems, evaluations and latest possibilities. Characteristics of individual types of on-board systems, regulation requirements. Possibilities of influence modelling of constructional and operational parameters on dynamic properties of individual elements and systems. Evaluations of on-board systems reliability. Development of the reliability analysis predictive methods. Possibilities of check-up reliability with respect to increase the flight operation safety.

Language of instruction


Entry knowledge

Basic knowledge of conservation laws of hydrodynamics, electrical engineering, automatic control, informatics and programming.

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

Student has to prove the gained knowledge in oral examinations.
Self study of chosen chapters including the consultations.


The main objective of the course is to extend knowledge gained at the courses Aircraft on-board systems I and II, about dynamic properties modelling of individual elements and systems, about predictive method possibilities of reliability analysis, and about evaluations of operation and experimental data to increase the flight safety.
Student will gain knowledge and experience of construction and operation parameters of aircraft on-board systems.

The study programmes with the given course

Programme D-KPI-P: Design and Process Engineering, Doctoral, recommended course

Type of course unit



20 hours, optionally


1. Hydraulic systems.
2. Fuel systems.
3. Electric systems.
4. Flight control systems.
5. Air conditioning and pressurization.
6. Ice and rain protection. Fire protection.
7. Avionic systems, flight and navigation instruments.
8. Automatic flight control.
9. Reliability of on-board systems, regulation requirements, predictive methods of reliability assessment.
10. Evaluation of operation and experimental statistical data, calculating procedures.