Course detail


FSI-CME-K Acad. year: 2025/2026 Winter semester

Steel metallurgy: melting technology, melting units, analysis of metallurgical and external causes affecting the quality of the steel produced, secondary metallurgy of steel, continuous casting.
Cast iron metallurgy: Types of cast iron, chemical composition, properties and structure of raw material, metallurgical production processes, quality inspection, metallurgical defects in cast irons.
Metallurgy of non-ferous metals (alloys of aluminium, magnesium, copper and others): Melting methods, refining, affecting the structure, metallurgical defects.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Entry knowledge

Basic knowledges of chemistry and metals science

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

Credit: Attendandance and appropriate knowledges in courses, passing 2 tests in the course
of semester
Exam: Credit, numerical part of exam, verbal part of exam
Controlled presence at lessons, 2 tests in the period of semester, absence – personal agreement


The aim of the subject is to become familiar with the types and properties of foundry alloys and with the metallurgical principles of their production. Methods of testing are mentioned properties of alloys, metallurgical defects and their causes. Students do will become familiar with the characteristic properties of cast materials and their differences from forged materials. Students will learn to design metallurgical production processes for individual types of alloys. They will learn the principles of smelting, quality management and quality control, become familiar with smelting aggregates and operating conditions in smelters.

The study programmes with the given course

Programme B-STR-K: Engineering, Bachelor's
specialization STG: Manufacturing Technology, compulsory

Type of course unit


Guided consultation in combined form of studies

9 hours, compulsory


  1. Metallurgy of the production of metals and alloys, historical development of metallurgy, world production and production of metals and alloys in the Czech Republic

  2. Production of Pig iron, oxygen converter steel production, continuous casting

  3. Distribution of steels into castings, their structure and properties

  4. Production of steel in electric arc furnace, basic metallurgical reactions, oxidation and reduction period

  5. Production of steel in electric induction furnace, vacuum induction furnaces, metallurgical processes in induction furnaces

  6. Secondary metallurgy of steel, description of basic processes of secondary steel, benefits of secondary metallurgy

  7. Distribution and structure of cast iron, marking of cast iron, physical, mechanical and technological properties of cast iron

  8. Production of spheroidal cast iron, modification and inoculation of cast iron

  9. Melting of cast iron, heat treatment of cast iron, quality control

  10. Aluminum alloys – types of alloys, chemical composition, structure and properties of aluminum alloys

  11. Melting and metallurgical processing of aluminum alloys (modification and inoculation), degassing of aluminum alloys

  12. Copper alloys – chemical composition, properties, principles of melting

  13. Magnesium alloys – production of magnesium alloys, chemical composition, properties, principles of melting magnesium alloys

Guided consultation

34 hours, optionally


  1. Metallurgy of the production of metals and alloys, historical development of metallurgy, world production and production of metals and alloys in the Czech Republic

  2. Production of Pig iron, oxygen converter steel production, continuous casting

  3. Distribution of steels into castings, their structure and properties

  4. Production of steel in electric arc furnace, basic metallurgical reactions, oxidation and reduction period

  5. Production of steel in electric induction furnace, vacuum induction furnaces, metallurgical processes in induction furnaces

  6. Secondary metallurgy of steel, description of basic processes of secondary steel, benefits of secondary metallurgy

  7. Distribution and structure of cast iron, marking of cast iron, physical, mechanical and technological properties of cast iron

  8. Production of spheroidal cast iron, modification and inoculation of cast iron

  9. Melting of cast iron, heat treatment of cast iron, quality control

  10. Aluminum alloys – types of alloys, chemical composition, structure and properties of aluminum alloys

  11. Melting and metallurgical processing of aluminum alloys (modification and inoculation), degassing of aluminum alloys

  12. Copper alloys – chemical composition, properties, principles of melting

  13. Magnesium alloys – production of magnesium alloys, chemical composition, properties, principles of melting magnesium alloys

Laboratory exercise

9 hours, compulsory


  1. Fe-C equilibrium diagram, structure of cast iron

  2. Fe-Fe3C metastable diagram, structure of steels and cast irons

  3. Structure and properties of carbon steel, low-alloyed and high-alloyed steels

  4. Heat treatment of steel and cast iron

  5. Preparation of metallographic samples

  6. Melting and production of steels for electric arc furnace and induction furnace

  7. Secondary metallurgy of steel

  8. Melting and production of lamellar graphite cast iron

  9. Melting and production of spheroidal graphite iron

  10. Manufacturing technology for the production of non-ferrous metals and alloys

  11. Structures of aluminium alloys and quality control of aluminium alloys.

  12. Modification and inoculation of non-ferrous metals and alloys

  13. Credit