Branch Details

Power Engineering

Original title in Czech: Energetické inženýrstvíFSIAbbreviation: M-ENIAcad. year: 2020/2021

Programme: Mechanical Engineering

Length of Study: 2 years

Accredited from: 1.9.2003Accredited until: 31.12.2024


Absolvent will receive deep theoretical knowledge and acquire basic practical information’s from branch of Power Engineering. It will allow to student to be able design new energy devices or operate whole energy complexes. Thanks to obtained knowledge student are able to react on changes that took place in a industry.

Key learning outcomes

Absolvent will receive deep theoretical knowledge and acquire basic practical information’s from branch of Power Engineering. It will allow to student to be able design new energy devices or operate whole energy complexes. Thanks to obtained knowledge student are able to react on changes that took place in a industry.

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

The students have excellent opportunity to find job mainly in:

  • companies of energy machinery, in development, projection, construction, calculations, production, installation and proving
  • in operation control and energy industry investments
  • in institutes, institutions and divisions of state administration dealing with environment and energy consumption rationalization
  • in companies conducting business in energy industry including option of self depended business (energy auditorship and consulting services)

Absolvent could reach EURING title (Euroengineer) and could also continue in studies as PhD student either in internal or combined form.


Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

2. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
LKCDesign Practicecs6CompulsoryCrCPP - 65yes
LKBoilerscs6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 39 / C1 - 13yes
LPHFuel Economycs5CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / CPP - 13yes
LPEDesign and Economycs6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 39 / C1 - 13yes
LT2Thermal Turbines IIcs5CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 13yes
LVTHeat Exchangerscs6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 26yes
0ZCAcademic Sources and Citationscs2ElectiveCrCPP - 13yes
IPMComputer Modelling IIcs4ElectiveGCrP - 26 / CPP - 13yes
2. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
7AZMEnglish - Exam B1 for MSen0CompulsoryExZ - 1yes
LREAutomation of Power Systemscs4CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / CPP - 13yes
LDPDiploma Project (M-ENI)cs10CompulsoryCrVD - 156yes
MELElectrical Equipment of Energy Machines and Apparatusescs4CompulsoryGCrP - 26yes
LPVOperation and Water Treatmentcs6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 39 / C1 - 26yes
LSDDiploma Seminar (M-ENI)cs2CompulsoryCrC1 - 26yes
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