study programme

Logistics Analytics

Faculty: FMEAbbreviation: N-LAN-AAcad. year: 2025/2026

Type of study programme: Master's

Study programme code: N0541A170039

Degree awarded: Ing.

Language of instruction: English

Accreditation: 29.12.2023 - 29.12.2028

Profile of the programme

Academically oriented

Mode of study

Full-time study

Standard study length

2 years

Programme supervisor

Degree Programme Board

Fields of education

Area Topic Share [%]
Mathematics Applied Mathematics 70
Transportation Sciences Logistics 30

Study aims

The follow-up Logistics Analytics Master's Degree Program aims to extend the basic mathematical knowledge towards the tasks typically dealt with in logistics and to acquire basic knowledge of transport and operation management necessary for their further application in logistics. The structure of the compulsory courses will enable students to learn how to combine modern methods of applied mathematics, to gain knowledge of the ready-made software solutions and to master the basic programming skills enabling students to handle real logistics challenges with regard to the specifics of individual transport tasks and the company's operation processes. The curriculum of the program embraces compulsory courses focused on mathematics, computer science, transport and management. Students may choose to further extend their knowledge gained in these courses by studying more specific transport tasks or programming techniques of their choice within the compulsory/elective courses or elective courses. The aim of the study is to prepare the students for challenges and problems of current logistics chains and for work in international companies, which will also be facilitated by intensive use of English language during the two years of study of the program.
The proposed program dives into mathematical methods presented in a format close to mathematical disciplines and thus places high emphasis on precise analytical thinking, ability to formulate a problem and combinatorially describe possible solutions. In connection with in-depth expertise in programming techniques, the goal for the student is to achieve a unique mix of knowledge necessary for a comprehensive approach to solving logistics issues ranging from the assignment of a problem of an industrial enterprise to the design of an optimal solution, including the software implementation itself or identification of an existing software tool. In this sense, there exists no adequate alternative to this study program in the Czech Republic.

Graduate profile

Graduates of the Logistics Analytics Program demonstrate high expertise in applied mathematics, logistics, and programming required to analyze logistics chains and solve complex logistics tasks from the quantitative perspective. Graduates have gained a broad overview of the methods of applied mathematics, more precisely of linear algebra, mathematical analysis, game theory, graphs, and dynamic and multilevel mathematical programming. At the same time, they have acquired knowledge of probability and statistics enabling them to solve a diverse profile of stochastic tasks and to analyze data that they may encounter in their future jobs. Furthermore, graduates are acquainted with the field of algorithmization of transport planning on real road networks.

Graduates are able to effectively apply their knowledge of various logistics tasks on real cases and data. Thanks to the above-standard mathematical basis, graduates are able to tackle logistical and optimization challenges of both theoretical and practical nature. Professional skills enable graduates to algorithmize the mastered methods and to implement and analyze the outputs. These skills are supplemented by presentation techniques necessary for communicating their own solution proposals and results that graduates will obtain during the semester projects covering various subjects. Graduates are able to create mathematical models of logistics issues and solve them using graph theory and optimization methods.

Graduates are able to analyze logistics data, set up and optimize logistics processes, and create algorithms and backend software solutions, especially in the area of transportation and supply chains. Graduates are qualified and linguistically equipped experts in optimization of the concurrence of operation and transport processes.

Profession characteristics

The demand to ensure smooth flow in all areas of the transport network on a daily basis is steady and shows an increasing tendency.
Typical positions that graduates of the study program can apply for are:
- Logistics Specialist,
- Transport Coordinator,
- Logistics Process Analyst,
- Logistics Analyst
However, these are only positions that correspond exactly to the majority content of the presented program. Graduates can find work in positions that focus mainly on searching for potential savings in the field of supply chains, performing software-assisted analyses and evaluation of logistics data and processes, as well as identifying weak points in transport chains, creating various optimization scenarios and presenting the final management concept to customers. Thanks to their robust mathematical knowledge, advanced critical thinking, sound presentation techniques, language and programming skills, the graduates will be able to find work in much wider range of professions. The second year of study will be held in Norway in the form of weekly seminars focusing on development of teamwork skills in an international team, which is a basic prerequisite for employment in multinational logistics companies. Graduates' broad knowledge in the fields of optimization, probability, game theory, and graph theory will enable them to find employment in many other areas, such as business, banking, and finance.

Fulfilment criteria

See valid regulations, Dean's Directive Rules for the Organization of Studies at the Faculty (supplement to the Study and Examination Regulations of the Brno University of Technology).
The final state examination includes the defense of the diploma thesis and a professional discussion. Both parts of the final state examination are oral and take place on the same date before the State Examination Board. The organization and course of the diploma thesis defense are regulated by the internal standards and regulations of the University at which the defense takes place (BUT or Molde University College). The organization and course of the professional debate is governed by BUT regulations. All students will pass both parts of the state final examination either at BUT or at Molde University College in front of a joint committee composed of representatives of both partner universities of BUT, Molde University College and nominated experts from other universities. Participation of committee members is possible both in person and online.
The defense of the diploma thesis verifies the student's ability to independently work on the assigned topic and present their own results at an appropriate professional level. The basic thematic areas of the professional debate at the final state examination consist mainly of the subjects profiling the basis, which are listed below for the relevant thematic area:
- Fundamentals of Applied Mathematics (Graphs and Algorithms, Applied Mathematics for Logistics, Network Flows in Logistics, Introduction to Game Theory, Mathematical Methods in Logistics)
- Probability, Statistics and Stochastic Optimization (Analysis of Experiment and Forecasting, Optimization II)
- Logistics (Seminars in Logistics, Transportation Infrastructure Planning and Simulation, Air Traffic Economics and Management)

Study plan creation

The study plan is based on the Master's double degree agreement between Molde University College and Brno University of Technology.
The rules and conditions of study programmes are determined by:
STUDY AND EXAMINATION RULES of Brno University of Technology (USING "ECTS"),
DEAN’S GUIDELINE Rules for the organization of studies at FME (supplement to BUT Study and Examination Rules).

Availability for the disabled

Brno University of Technology acknowledges the need for equal access to higher education. There is no direct or indirect discrimination during the admission procedure or the study period. Students with specific educational needs (learning disabilities, physical and sensory handicap, chronic somatic diseases, autism spectrum disorders, impaired communication abilities, mental illness) can find help and counselling at Lifelong Learning Institute of Brno University of Technology. This issue is dealt with in detail in Rector's Guideline No. 11/2017 "Applicants and Students with Specific Needs at BUT". Furthermore, in Rector's Guideline No 71/2017 "Accommodation and Social Scholarship" students can find information on a system of social scholarships.

What degree programme types may have preceded

The Logistics Analytics study program builds on the following Bachelor's Degree Programs at Brno University of Technology and Molde University College – Specialized University in Logistics:

B-ZSI-P Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering (BUT), B-STR-P Mechanical Engineering (BUT), B-MAI-P Mathematical Engineering (BUT), B-ENE-P Power Engineering (BUT), B-MET-P Mechatronics (BUT)

Bachelor i bærekraftig logistikk og sirkulær økonomi (Molde University College), Bachelor i logistikk og SCM (Molde University College), Bachelor i marin logistikk og økonomi (Molde University College), Bachelor i petroleumslogistikk og økonomi (Molde University College).

Graduates can continue their studies in a doctoral study program in a related field of education at a university in the Czech Republic or abroad.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
SMO-AApplied Mathematics for Logisticsen6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 26yes
SGA-AGraphs and Algorithmsen4CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 13yes
SOM-AOptimization Models Ien6CompulsoryCrP - 26 / CPP - 26yes
0TH-AIntroduction to Game Theoryen4CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 13yes
SZD-AIntroduction to Data Processingen6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / CPP - 26yes
OEM-AAir Traffic Economics and Managementen3Compulsory-optionalGCrP - 26 / C1 - 13of type Ayes
SRR-ASupply Chain Managementen3Compulsory-optionalGCrP - 26 / CPP - 13of type Ayes
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
SMA-AMathematical Methods in Logisticsen5CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 13yes
SO2-AOptimization Models IIen4CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / CPP - 13yes
SLV-ATransportation Infrastructure Planning and Simulationen6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / CPP - 26yes
SNF-ANetwork Flows in Logisticsen5CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 26yes
SEP-AStochastic Models in Logisticsen5CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / CPP - 26yes
SOU-AComputing Methods in Logistics Optimization Problemsen6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / CPP - 26yes
2. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
SPP-AProposal Presentationen5CompulsoryCrC1 - 26yes
SLO-ASeminars in Logisticsen25CompulsoryExP - 156 / C1 - 130yes
2. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
SDD-AMaster's Degree Thesisen30CompulsoryExVD - 260yes
All the groups of optional courses
Gr. Number of courses Courses
of type A 1 OEM-A, SRR-A