Our areas of expertise
Monitoring and detection of non-standard operating conditions:
We monitor operational data and identify anomalies in it, which can prevent, for example, fatal failures. This helps to minimize risks and improve performance. -
Designing energy systems and industrial process using artificial intelligence:
We use machine learning algorithms to optimize the design of energy systems and industrial processes to be efficient, cost-effective and with minimal environmental impact -
Planning and advanced control of power systems and industrial processes at the master control level:
Using prediction and optimization algorithms, we design and plan the operation to be cost-effective and maximize the potential of the process or energy system.
Our achievements so far
Development of a virtual power plant control system:
We participated in the development of software that can predict the availability of CHP units for flexibility services. It predicts the demand for heat produced by CHP units' and time-to-failure based on the intensity of occurrence of anomalies. -
Optimal scheduling of combined heat and power generation in a waste-to-energy plant:
Machine learning algorithms can predict the steam consumption for self-consumption and external customers prior to utilization on the steam turbine, thus significantly refining the heat and power generation plan when trading on the daily market. -
Techno-economic evaluation of investment in biogas plant wastewater treatment technology:
A decision-making tool that can estimate the profitability of installing wastewater treatment technology based on the conditions of a given biogas plant using a machine learning algorithm.
Ing. Michal Touš, Ph.D.