Our ongoing primary goal is the development of innovative microscopy imaging techniques and their applications in biomedicine and nanotechnology.
We place a strong emphasis on Holographic Incoherent-light-source Quantitative Phase Imaging (hiQPI) — a novel approach that we pioneered and continue to investigate intensively. hiQPI offers the highest levels of image quality and accuracy. Building on our extensive experience in the design and construction of optical instruments, we successfully commercialized the Q-Phase holographic microscope (Telight), which exemplifies our progress in this field.
The applications of these advanced imaging techniques span across nanotechnology for nanostructure characterization and biomedical research, including cell biology, cancer, and neuroscience.
This work is rooted in our foundational research in optics, which focuses on coherence, scattering, and unconventional imaging methods, integrating both classical and cutting-edge optical technologies such as metasurfaces and fourth-generation optics. Our expertise also extends to photonic structures, vortex and specialized light beams, polarization effects, and light-wave propagation in non-Euclidean optical spaces.
Our team's efforts concentrate on several key areas:
1) Microscopy Imaging Techniques
Research and development of hiQPI optical systems for 3D imaging, holographic tomography, and advanced correlative fluorescence-holographic imaging.
Methods to enable hiQPI imaging through turbid media using coherence gating.
Superresolution hiQPI utilizing superoscillation and coherent structured imaging techniques.
Application of optical vortices for axial localization.
Exploration and use of geometric-phase optical components (4G optics) in holographic imaging.
Development of advanced image-processing algorithms, specifically for advanced hiQPI (high-accuracy, turbid media, 3D imaging), as well as for pattern recognition and classification.
2) Biomedical Applications (Cell Biology, Cancer, Neuroscience)
Characterization of live cancer cell responses to genetic manipulation, migrastatic drugs, specific inhibitors, epithelial-mesenchymal transitions, and interactions with 3D extracellular matrices.
Development of personalized cancer treatment strategies based on live-cell dry-mass profiling.
Biophysical analysis of subcellular mechanical forces that influence malignant behaviors in vitro.
3) Nanotechnology Applications
Orientation and shape imaging of plasmonic nanoparticles.
High-resolution quantitative phase imaging of plasmonic metasurfaces.
4) Fundamental Optics
Theoretical investigation into scattering, coherence effects, and the role of coherence gating in holographic imaging.
Design of unconventional imaging devices and analysis of light-wave propagation in non-Euclidean optical spaces.
Study of vortex and specialized light beams generated by metasurfaces and anisotropic reflections.
Media and us
120xFSI: A world-unique microscope from Brno reveals the previously unseen (only in Czech)
www.novinky.cz/clanek/veda-skoly-vyzkumnici-z-brna-testuji-zda-vedlejsi-ucinky-jiz-pouzivanych-leku-mohou-pomoci-v-boji-s-rakovinou-40481801 (only in Czech)