Publication detail
Comparison of the temperature field continuously cast steel slabs with different chemical composition.
Czech title
Srovnání teplotního pole kontinuálně odlévaných ocelových bram s odlišným chemickým složením Srovnání teplotního pole kontinuálně odlévaných ocelových bram s odlišným chemickým složením
English title
Comparison of the temperature field continuously cast steel slabs with different chemical composition.
journal article - other
Original abstract
Numerical model made by authors was applied to the simulation of the transient temperature field of continuously cast steel slab of two different chemical composition. The model solves the Fourier-Kirchhoff equation of the temperature field of slab- crystallizer system respectively slab-ambient system with these main thermophysical parameters : thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity, density and enthalpy. When both melts follow closely after each other, the critical state of so called breakout occurs at a certain point secondary cooling zone of a caster. It is probably a combination of surface defects. However different chemical composition of two steels and their mixing is apparently decisive. Therefore the temperature model has simulated the temperature history of every point of a cross-section of a slab during its movement through the whole caster from the level of the melt in the crystallizer to the cutting torch for both melts and and for their mixture. Calculation of the temperature field of a slab has focused mainly on the part of the slab before the breakout and its surroundings. The results of the temperature field can establish a model of the chemical heterogeneity of steel supported by material expertise on samples taken from the breakout.
Czech abstract
Pro řešení nestacionárního teplotního pole ocelových bram o odlišném chemickém složení bylo použito autory vytvořeného numerického modelu. Když obě tavby následují těsně po sobě, kritické místo t.zv. průvalu se nachází v určitém místě sekundární zony chlazení. Jedná se pravděpodobně o kombinaci povrchových defektů, avšak vliv rozdílného chemického složení je zřejmě rozhodující. Teplotní model simuluje průběh teplot v každém bodě bramy od počátku odlévání v krystalizátoru po místo jejich rozřezání. Pozornost je zaměřena hlavně na část bramy před vznikem průvalu a v jeho okolí. Výsledky jsou základem pro model chemické heterogeneity oceli, který je materiálovou expertizou odebraných vzorků v okolí průvalu.
English abstract
Numerical model made by authors was applied to the simulation of the transient temperature field of continuously cast steel slab of two different chemical composition. The model solves the Fourier-Kirchhoff equation of the temperature field of slab- crystallizer system respectively slab-ambient system with these main thermophysical parameters : thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity, density and enthalpy. When both melts follow closely after each other, the critical state of so called breakout occurs at a certain point secondary cooling zone of a caster. It is probably a combination of surface defects. However different chemical composition of two steels and their mixing is apparently decisive. Therefore the temperature model has simulated the temperature history of every point of a cross-section of a slab during its movement through the whole caster from the level of the melt in the crystallizer to the cutting torch for both melts and and for their mixture. Calculation of the temperature field of a slab has focused mainly on the part of the slab before the breakout and its surroundings. The results of the temperature field can establish a model of the chemical heterogeneity of steel supported by material expertise on samples taken from the breakout.
Keywords in Czech
kontinuálně odlévaná brama, teplotní pole, chemické složení, heterogenita, numerický model, průval
Keywords in English
continuously cast slab, temperature field, chemical composition, heterogeneity, numerical model, breakout
RIV year
47 (2013)
Pages from–to
Pages count
author="František {Kavička} and Karel {Stránský} and Bohumil {Sekanina} and Josef {Štětina} and Miloš {Masarik} and Tomáš {Mauder},
title="Comparison of the temperature field continuously cast steel slabs with different chemical composition.",
volume="47 (2013)",