Publication detail
Experimental Analysis on the Causes of the Breakout of Continuous Cast Steel Slab
Czech title
Experimentální analýza příčiny průvalu kontinuálně lité ocelové bramy
English title
Experimental Analysis on the Causes of the Breakout of Continuous Cast Steel Slab
journal article in Web of Science
Original abstract
The paper deals with investigation into segregation behavior of selected elements in longitudinal cut of continuous steel slab, in the breakout area. The breakout occurred after a flying change of tundish in order to begin casting of another steel grade. Altogether 11 samples were taken from the part of a solidified slab. Concentrations of selected elements (Al, Si, P, S, Cr, Mn, Ni and Mo) were measured in these samples using scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive spectroscopy. Using the original mathematical models the basic micro segregation characteristics and the parameter of macro-heterogeneity were further determined for each analyzed element. Then a quantitative measurement of inclusions ("micro purity") in the samples was performed using a metallographic microscope. Then method of differential thermal analysis was used for the measurements of temperatures of phase transformations. The following main results were found: Magnitude of micro segregation of the analyzed elements in the measured sections of 1000 mikrom is approximately the same in all the analyzed samples.Chemical macro heterogeneity is very high across the analyzed slab section.Very uneven mixing of melts of both steels was probably one of the main causes of formation of the breakout.
Czech abstract
Příspěvek se zabývá vyšetřováním segregace vybraných prvků v podélném řezu kontinuálně lité ocelové bramy , v oblasti průvalu. Průval nastal po letmé změně mezipánve za účelem zahájení odlévání jiné jakosti oceli . Celkem bylo odebráno 11 vzorků z části ztuhlé desky . Koncentrace vybraných prvků ( Al , Si , P , S , Cr, Mn , Ni a Mo) byly měřeny v těchto vzorcích za použití rastrovacího elektronového mikroskopu a energiově disperzní spektroskopie . Použití originálních matematické modely byly stanoveny základní charakteristiky mikro – segregace a dále byly dále stanoveny pro každý analyzovaný prvek parametry makro-heterogenity. Poté byla použita metoda diferenční termické analýzy pro měření teplot fázových transformací . Byly zjištěny tyto hlavní výsledky : velikost mikro – segregace analyzovaných prvků v měřených úsecích 1000 um je přibližně stejná ve všech analyzovaných vzorcích.Chemická makro – heterogenita je velmi vysoká po celé analyzované části bramy.Velmi nerovnoměrné míchání taveniny obou ocelí bylo pravděpodobně jednou z hlavních příčin vzniku průvalu.
English abstract
The paper deals with investigation into segregation behavior of selected elements in longitudinal cut of continuous steel slab, in the breakout area. The breakout occurred after a flying change of tundish in order to begin casting of another steel grade. Altogether 11 samples were taken from the part of a solidified slab. Concentrations of selected elements (Al, Si, P, S, Cr, Mn, Ni and Mo) were measured in these samples using scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive spectroscopy. Using the original mathematical models the basic micro segregation characteristics and the parameter of macro-heterogeneity were further determined for each analyzed element. Then a quantitative measurement of inclusions ("micro purity") in the samples was performed using a metallographic microscope. Then method of differential thermal analysis was used for the measurements of temperatures of phase transformations. The following main results were found: Magnitude of micro segregation of the analyzed elements in the measured sections of 1000 mikrom is approximately the same in all the analyzed samples.Chemical macro heterogeneity is very high across the analyzed slab section.Very uneven mixing of melts of both steels was probably one of the main causes of formation of the breakout.
Keywords in Czech
mikrosegregace, kontinuálně litá brama, ocel, průval, promíchávání
Keywords in English
micro-segregation, continuously cast slab, steel, breakout, intermixing
RIV year
782 (2014)
Pages from–to
Pages count
author="František {Kavička} and Karel {Stránský} and Jana {Dobrovská} and Věra {Dobrovská} and Hana {Francová} and Bedřich {Smetana},
title="Experimental Analysis on the Causes of the Breakout of Continuous Cast Steel Slab",
volume="782 (2014)",