Publication detail
First-principles study of Co- and Cu-doped Ni2MnGa along the tetragonal deformation path
Czech title
Prvoprincipiální studium Ni2MnGa dopovaného Co a Cu podél teragonální deformační dráhy
English title
First-principles study of Co- and Cu-doped Ni2MnGa along the tetragonal deformation path
journal article in Web of Science
Original abstract
The influence of Co and Cu doping on Ni-Mn-Ga Heusler alloy is investigated using the first-principles exact muffin-tin orbital method in combination with the coherent-potential approximation. Single-element doping and simultaneous doping by both elements are investigated in Ni50-xCoxMn25-yGa25-zCuy+z alloys, with dopant concentrations x, y, and z up to 7.5 at. %. Doping with Co in the Ni sublattice decreases the (c/a)NM ratio of the nonmodulated (NM) martensite, but it simultaneously increases the cubic phase stability with respect to the NM phase. Doping with Cu in the Mn or in Ga sublattices does not change the (c/a)NM ratio significantly and it decreases the cubic phase stability. For simultaneous doping by Co in the Ni sublattice and Cu in the Mn or Ga sublattices, the effects of the individual dopants are independent and about the same as for the single-element doping. Thus, the (c/a)NM ratio can be adjusted by Co doping while the phase stability can be balanced by Cu doping, resulting in stable martensite with a reduced (c/a)NM. The local stability of the cubic phase with respect to the tetragonal deformation can be understood on the basis of a density-of-states analysis.
Czech abstract
Vliv dopování Co a Cu na Ni-Mn-Ga Heuslerovu slitinu byl zkoumán prvoprincipiální metodou exaktních mufin-tin orbitalů v kombinaci s aproximací koherentního potenciálů. Dopování každým prvkem zvlášť i oběma prvky současně bylo zkoumáno na slitině Ni50-xCoxMn25-yGa25-zCuy+z s koncentracemi x, y a z do 7,5 %. Dopování kobaltem v Ni podmřížce zmenšuje poměr (c/a)NM nemodulovaného (NM) martensitu, ale zároveň zvětšuje stabilitu kubické fáze vůči NM fázi. Dopování mědí v Mn nebo Ga podmřížce nemění výrazně (c/a)NM poměr ale snižuje stabilitu kubické fáze. Pro společné dopování Co v Ni podmřížce a Cu v Mn nebo Ga podmřížkách jsou jednotlivé efekty dopování nezávislé a v podstatě stejné jako když je použit pouze jeden prvek. Potom tedy (c/a)NM může být upraveno Co dopováním zatímco stabilita fází může být ovlivněna přidáním Cu, což může vést k stabilnímu martensitu s redukovaným (c/a)NM. Lokální stabilita kubické fáze vůči tetragonální deformaci je vysvětlena na základě analýzy hustoty stavů.
English abstract
The influence of Co and Cu doping on Ni-Mn-Ga Heusler alloy is investigated using the first-principles exact muffin-tin orbital method in combination with the coherent-potential approximation. Single-element doping and simultaneous doping by both elements are investigated in Ni50-xCoxMn25-yGa25-zCuy+z alloys, with dopant concentrations x, y, and z up to 7.5 at. %. Doping with Co in the Ni sublattice decreases the (c/a)NM ratio of the nonmodulated (NM) martensite, but it simultaneously increases the cubic phase stability with respect to the NM phase. Doping with Cu in the Mn or in Ga sublattices does not change the (c/a)NM ratio significantly and it decreases the cubic phase stability. For simultaneous doping by Co in the Ni sublattice and Cu in the Mn or Ga sublattices, the effects of the individual dopants are independent and about the same as for the single-element doping. Thus, the (c/a)NM ratio can be adjusted by Co doping while the phase stability can be balanced by Cu doping, resulting in stable martensite with a reduced (c/a)NM. The local stability of the cubic phase with respect to the tetragonal deformation can be understood on the basis of a density-of-states analysis.
Keywords in Czech
magnetická slitina s tvarovou pamětí, Ni2MnGa, tetragonální deformace, ab initio, elektronová struktura
Keywords in English
magnetic shape memory alloy, Ni2MnGa, tetragonal deformation, ab initio, electronic structure
RIV year
American Physical Society
Pages from–to
Pages count
author="Martin {Zelený} and Alexei {Sozinov} and Ladislav {Straka} and Torbjörn {Björkman} and Risto M. {Nieminen},
title="First-principles study of Co- and Cu-doped Ni2MnGa along the tetragonal deformation path",
publisher="American Physical Society",