Publication detail
The development of new HSS milling cutter with negative geometry for roughing operations.
Czech title
Vývoj nového frézovacího nástroje z rychlořezné oceli s negativní geometrií pro hrubovací operace.
English title
The development of new HSS milling cutter with negative geometry for roughing operations.
conference paper
Original abstract
This article deals with construction of HSS milling cutter for roughing operations. New milling cutter is constructed as a three edges milling cutter with negative geometry. Each edge is composed from two special compensation edges which are used for reducing tensile stress in heel of tooth. Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 was used for construction the tool. New geometry of cutting tool was tested during machining artificial wood SikaBlock M610 and aluminium alloy AlCu4MgSi. HSS milling cutter (producer ZPS-Frézovací Nástroje a.s., Zlín, Czech Republic) was used for comparison results. The milling process was carried out without using process liquid, so it was dry machining. Monitored parameters were force loading and tensile stress. Dynamometer Kistler was used for measuring force loading and for stress analysis was used data obtained during machining.
Czech abstract
Článek pojednává o konstrukci nového frézovacího nástroje z rychlořezné oceli pro hrubovací operace. Nástroj je konstruován jako tříbřitá čelní válcová stopková fréza, opatřená kompenzačními břity. Nový nástroj byl testován při obrábění umělého dřeva SikaBlock M610 a hliníkové slitiny AlCu4MgSi. Pro porovnání navržené geometrie byla použita tříbřitá fréza od společnosti ZPS-Frézovací nástroje a.s. Samotné frézování probíhalo bez použití procesní kapaliny, měřenými paramtery byly silové zatížení a pevnostní analýza břitu.
English abstract
This article deals with construction of HSS milling cutter for roughing operations. New milling cutter is constructed as a three edges milling cutter with negative geometry. Each edge is composed from two special compensation edges which are used for reducing tensile stress in heel of tooth. Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 was used for construction the tool. New geometry of cutting tool was tested during machining artificial wood SikaBlock M610 and aluminium alloy AlCu4MgSi. HSS milling cutter (producer ZPS-Frézovací Nástroje a.s., Zlín, Czech Republic) was used for comparison results. The milling process was carried out without using process liquid, so it was dry machining. Monitored parameters were force loading and tensile stress. Dynamometer Kistler was used for measuring force loading and for stress analysis was used data obtained during machining.
Keywords in Czech
Rychlořezná ocel (HSS), frézování, fréza, silové zatížení, pevnostní analýza.
Keywords in English
High Speed Steel (HSS), milling, milling cutter, force loading, stress analysis.
RIV year
Brno University of Technology
Litera Brno
ERIN 214, 8th International Conference for Young Researchers and Ph.D. Students; Proceedings of Abstracts
Pages from–to
Pages count
author="Aleš {Jaroš} and Ladislav {Kolář} and Zdeněk {Fiala},
title="The development of new HSS milling cutter with negative geometry for roughing operations.",
booktitle="ERIN 214, 8th International Conference for Young Researchers and Ph.D. Students; Proceedings of Abstracts",
publisher="Brno University of Technology",
address="Litera Brno",