Publication detail
Properties of Al – Fe – X alloys depending on the method of manufacturing
Czech title
Properties of Al – Fe – X alloys depending on the method of manufacturing
English title
Properties of Al – Fe – X alloys depending on the method of manufacturing
Original abstract
In this work two types of alloys (Al – Fe, Al – Fe – Cr) were studied and the impact of the manufacturing process on the microstructure and thermal stability was compared. The cast alloys exhibit a coarse microstructure with sizable particles of stable intermetallic phases (Al13Fe4, Al13Cr2). Rapid solidification resulted in a significant refinement of the microstructure of the material and the formation of metastable phases (Al6Fe). Rapidly solidified ribbons partially decomposed into the metastable phases and stable intermetallics were formed during subsequent compaction. In the case of Al – Fe alloy, structure coarsening occurred. It is obvious that the addition of Cr has a significant impact on the formation of finer structures during pressing due to the fact that it prevents coarsening of the grains and intermetallic phases during heating. Due to the long term annealing of the material in a various processing states it was found that Cr has a significant positive effect on the thermal stability of the material. Based on the results of this work it is advisable to use the alloy in industrial applications, assuming that the temperature does not exceed 300 C.
Czech abstract
In this work two types of alloys (Al – Fe, Al – Fe – Cr) were studied and the impact of the manufacturing process on the microstructure and thermal stability was compared. The cast alloys exhibit a coarse microstructure with sizable particles of stable intermetallic phases (Al13Fe4, Al13Cr2). Rapid solidification resulted in a significant refinement of the microstructure of the material and the formation of metastable phases (Al6Fe). Rapidly solidified ribbons partially decomposed into the metastable phases and stable intermetallics were formed during subsequent compaction. In the case of Al – Fe alloy, structure coarsening occurred. It is obvious that the addition of Cr has a significant impact on the formation of finer structures during pressing due to the fact that it prevents coarsening of the grains and intermetallic phases during heating. Due to the long term annealing of the material in a various processing states it was found that Cr has a significant positive effect on the thermal stability of the material. Based on the results of this work it is advisable to use the alloy in industrial applications, assuming that the temperature does not exceed 300 C.
English abstract
In this work two types of alloys (Al – Fe, Al – Fe – Cr) were studied and the impact of the manufacturing process on the microstructure and thermal stability was compared. The cast alloys exhibit a coarse microstructure with sizable particles of stable intermetallic phases (Al13Fe4, Al13Cr2). Rapid solidification resulted in a significant refinement of the microstructure of the material and the formation of metastable phases (Al6Fe). Rapidly solidified ribbons partially decomposed into the metastable phases and stable intermetallics were formed during subsequent compaction. In the case of Al – Fe alloy, structure coarsening occurred. It is obvious that the addition of Cr has a significant impact on the formation of finer structures during pressing due to the fact that it prevents coarsening of the grains and intermetallic phases during heating. Due to the long term annealing of the material in a various processing states it was found that Cr has a significant positive effect on the thermal stability of the material. Based on the results of this work it is advisable to use the alloy in industrial applications, assuming that the temperature does not exceed 300 C.
Keywords in Czech
melt spinning, intermetallics
Keywords in English
melt spinning, intermetallics