Publication detail
Ecological Production of Cores - Example from Automotive Branch (production of aluminium alloy castings)
Czech title
Ekologická výroba jader - příklad z automobilového průmyslu (výroba odlitků z hliníkových slitin)
English title
Ecological Production of Cores - Example from Automotive Branch (production of aluminium alloy castings)
journal article - other
Original abstract
The paper informs readers about the latest trends in ecological production of cores for the most demanding castings made of aluminum alloys on example of cylinder heads for combustion engines of the passenger cars. Although the cores bonded with silicates are known since the 60th years of the 20th century, only in recent years the technical progress has undergone such level that the leading producers of cylinder heads are able to deploy the system in serial production. Nemak started solving inorganic systems 12 years ago and today it delivers selected products to its customers and during their production there are cores being used which are joined by ecologic systems. The contribution analyses limiting technical aspects at application of inorganic systems. They replace systems of cold-box and hot/warm-box and it presents in details the benefits of ecological solutions which may be found in final product features. At the same time, it also points at difficulties which are still necessary to be solved.
Czech abstract
Článek informuje čtenáře o nejnovějších trendech v výrobě ekologických jader pro nejnáročnější odlitky z hliníkových slitin na příkladu hlav válců pro spalovací motory osobních automobilů. Přestože jádra pojená silikáty jsou známa již od 60. let 20. století, tak až v posledních letech doznal technický pokrok takové úrovně, že přední výrobci hlav válců jsou schopni systém nasadit v sériové výrobě. Nemak začal řešit anorganické systémy před 12 roky a dnes dodává zákazníkům vybrané produkty, při jejichž výrobě jsou použita jádra pojena ekologickými systémy. Příspěvek analyzuje omezující technické aspekty při aplikaci anorganických systémů nahrazujících systémy cold-box a hot/warm-box a detailně prezentuje benefity ekologického řešení, které lze nalézt i v vlastnostech finálního produktu. Zároveň upozorňuje na těžkosti, které je nutné nadále řešit.
English abstract
The paper informs readers about the latest trends in ecological production of cores for the most demanding castings made of aluminum alloys on example of cylinder heads for combustion engines of the passenger cars. Although the cores bonded with silicates are known since the 60th years of the 20th century, only in recent years the technical progress has undergone such level that the leading producers of cylinder heads are able to deploy the system in serial production. Nemak started solving inorganic systems 12 years ago and today it delivers selected products to its customers and during their production there are cores being used which are joined by ecologic systems. The contribution analyses limiting technical aspects at application of inorganic systems. They replace systems of cold-box and hot/warm-box and it presents in details the benefits of ecological solutions which may be found in final product features. At the same time, it also points at difficulties which are still necessary to be solved.
Keywords in English
casting, core, binder, inorganic, ecology
RIV year
J. E. Purkyne University in Usti nad Labem, Pasteurova 1, 400 96 Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic
J. E. Purkyne University in Usti nad Labem, FVTM, Campus UJEP, Building H, Pasteurova 3334/7, 400 01 Usti nad Labem, CZ
Pages from–to
Pages count
author="Marko {Grzinčič} and Petr {Hlavsa},
title="Ecological Production of Cores – Example from Automotive Branch (production of aluminium alloy castings)",
publisher="J. E. Purkyne University in Usti nad Labem, Pasteurova 1, 400 96 Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic",
address="J. E. Purkyne University in Usti nad Labem, FVTM, Campus UJEP, Building H,
Pasteurova 3334/7, 400 01 Usti nad Labem, CZ",