Publication detail

Acoustic Emission Localization in Testing of Composite Structures


Czech title

Lokalizace pomocí akustické emise při zkouškách kompozitů

English title

Acoustic Emission Localization in Testing of Composite Structures





Original abstract

Acoustic emission (AE) is current trend of non-destructive monitoring methods. It suits perfectly for supporting of fatigue tests. The method is also applicable in monitoring of quasi-static tests. AE helps the engineers to understand the degradation process in the tested object and also keep track of the failures. This article offers an insight into the practical experience with acoustic emission. Tests of three different composite structures (wing, fuselage and hull panel) were chosen to illustrate the application of AE monitoring system during fatigue and quasi-static tests. These tests have shown that accuracy of localization is sufficient to identify damaged areas. Moreover, the system may offer an early warning of upcoming failure.

Czech abstract

Lokalizace pomocí akustické emise je jednou z metoda nedestruktivního testování. Je vhodná pro únavové zkoušky. Lze ji také použít pro monitorování kvazi-statických zkoušek. Tato metoda pomáha porozumět degradačnímu procesu v konstrukci a sledovad stav konstrukce. Tento článek popisuje praktické zkušenosti s touto metodou lokalizace. Popisovány jsou tři různé aplikace: křídlo, panel trupu a ocasní část trupu. Jsou popisovány zkušenosti z únavové i quasi-statické zkoušky. Byla prokázána dostatečná přesnost lokalizace a způsob varovaní před nadcházející poruchou.

English abstract

Acoustic emission (AE) is current trend of non-destructive monitoring methods. It suits perfectly for supporting of fatigue tests. The method is also applicable in monitoring of quasi-static tests. AE helps the engineers to understand the degradation process in the tested object and also keep track of the failures. This article offers an insight into the practical experience with acoustic emission. Tests of three different composite structures (wing, fuselage and hull panel) were chosen to illustrate the application of AE monitoring system during fatigue and quasi-static tests. These tests have shown that accuracy of localization is sufficient to identify damaged areas. Moreover, the system may offer an early warning of upcoming failure.

Keywords in Czech

Lokalizace akustickou emisí, nedestruktivní testování, monitorování konstrukce, detekce emiszvukové emise.

Keywords in English

Acoustic emission localization, non-destructive testing, monitoring, acoustic emission detection.




Svratka, ČR