Publication detail

An innovative HVAC control system: Comparison of the system outputs to comfort votes


Czech title

Inovativní systém řízení vetrání, vytápění a klimatizace: porovnání výstupu systému a hlasovaní osob

English title

An innovative HVAC control system: Comparison of the system outputs to comfort votes





Original abstract

Human thermal comfort in vehicular cabins has been broadly discussed in various contents. The most actual topics relate to efficient energy utilisation and enhancement of thermal comfort experience – especially in electric passenger vehicles. In fact, these two factors are contradictory at present; therefore, new concepts of HVAC management are being investigated. The presented study shows progress in the iHVAC project (Fišer et al., 2015; Fojtlín et al., 2017) that serves as a support system for a driver and passengers. The aim of the project is real-time evaluation of thermal conditions in the cabin using compact equivalent temperature sensors. To do so, methodology of the Comfort zone diagram and the MTV index (Mean Thermal Vote) are exploited. The concept has been tested previously against a newton type Manikin with good results. Now, the system performance was examined in two scenarios against a pool of eight volunteers. Firstly, the test vehicle was preconditioned to 0 °C and volunteers wore prescribed clothing (0.75 clo). In the second run, the chamber temperature was 10 °C and lighter clothing was worn (0.5 clo). The test protocol of both scenarios comprises preconditioning (60 min, tamb 23 °C), seating in a precooled vehicle (45 min, tamb 0 and 10 °C), and at the same time initiation of the HVAC system set to AUTO 24 °C. The volunteers were asked to rate the thermal comfort and sensation in the cabin every 3 min. These votes were compared with the system outputs and good match was found on the head, hands, and torso. The predictions were least accurate for legs, feet, and arms. Moreover, the methodology has its limitations, mainly to its applicability in stationary conditions, and further research is needed.

Czech abstract

Příspěvek se zabývá měřením a vyhodoncením tepleného pocitu/komfortu při podmínkách simulovaných v klimakomoře a srovnáním predikovaného tepelného pocitu a reportovaného pocitu zkušebních osob. Ostatní detaily viz originální text.

English abstract

Human thermal comfort in vehicular cabins has been broadly discussed in various contents. The most actual topics relate to efficient energy utilisation and enhancement of thermal comfort experience – especially in electric passenger vehicles. In fact, these two factors are contradictory at present; therefore, new concepts of HVAC management are being investigated. The presented study shows progress in the iHVAC project (Fišer et al., 2015; Fojtlín et al., 2017) that serves as a support system for a driver and passengers. The aim of the project is real-time evaluation of thermal conditions in the cabin using compact equivalent temperature sensors. To do so, methodology of the Comfort zone diagram and the MTV index (Mean Thermal Vote) are exploited. The concept has been tested previously against a newton type Manikin with good results. Now, the system performance was examined in two scenarios against a pool of eight volunteers. Firstly, the test vehicle was preconditioned to 0 °C and volunteers wore prescribed clothing (0.75 clo). In the second run, the chamber temperature was 10 °C and lighter clothing was worn (0.5 clo). The test protocol of both scenarios comprises preconditioning (60 min, tamb 23 °C), seating in a precooled vehicle (45 min, tamb 0 and 10 °C), and at the same time initiation of the HVAC system set to AUTO 24 °C. The volunteers were asked to rate the thermal comfort and sensation in the cabin every 3 min. These votes were compared with the system outputs and good match was found on the head, hands, and torso. The predictions were least accurate for legs, feet, and arms. Moreover, the methodology has its limitations, mainly to its applicability in stationary conditions, and further research is needed.

Keywords in Czech

kabina auta, tepelný pocit, tepelný komfort, měření, předpověď

Keywords in English

car cabin, thermal comfort, thermal sensation, measurement, predction




International Society for Environmental Ergonomics.


Kobe, Japonsko

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