Publication detail
In-situ study of a crack initiation mechanism in the aluminum alloy 7475-T7351
Czech title
In-situ studie mechanismu iniciace trhlin v hliníkové slitině 7475-T7351
English title
In-situ study of a crack initiation mechanism in the aluminum alloy 7475-T7351
Original abstract
A study of an effect of the surface topography and material inclusions on mechanical properties of the aluminum alloy 7475-T7351 that was carried out in a scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with a combined in-situ heating and tensile fixture. The studied aluminum alloy 7475-T7351 prepared with so-called “controlled toughness” would provide a great combination of a high tensile strength, good fracture toughness and a high resistance to the fatigue crack propagation. An optimal resistance to the stress corrosion cracking due to a special heat treatment of the alloy had been expected. The characterization of structure (texture and grain size) and electron backscattered diffraction mapping (EBSD) of selected elements were used. The energy dispersive X-ray analyses (EDX) of the surface (and locally in the cross-sections that were produced by focus ion beam technique (FIB)) were used for an identification of inclusions. However, in this research a large disperses of the fatigue results was observed. The surface topographies made under different cutting conditions of down milling, have not proved to have a decisive impact on the fatigue. A very evident decohesion between the alumina matrix and brittle inclusions have been observed. Tensile loading of specimens confirmed that crack nucleation started at the brittle particles and the material was locally fractured before reaching the tensile strength limit. According to the morphology, size and distribution of the phases the complex Al-Fe-Cu-Cr-(Si, Ni) intermetallic inclusions have been identified to have a crucial effect on the tensile mechanical properties, especially the fracture elongation, and the fatigue properties also. A novel approach of the multi-site in-situ deformation process monitoring has been used with the advanced application of NewTec tensile stage and TESCAN SEM control and automation.
Czech abstract
Studie vlivu povrchové topografie a materiálových vměstků na mechanické vlastnosti hliníkové slitiny 7475-T7351, která byla provedena ve skenovacím elektronovém mikroskopu (SEM) vybaveného kombinovaným in situ systémem pro ohřev a tah. Studovaná hliníková slitina 7475-T7351, připravená s takzvanou "řízenou houževnatostí", poskytla skvělou kombinaci vysoké pevnosti v tahu, dobré lomové houževnatosti a vysoké odolnosti proti šíření únavových trhlin. Byla očekávána optimální odolnost proti praskání koroze stresu v důsledku speciálního tepelného zpracování slitiny. Dále byla použita charakterizace struktury (textury a velikosti zrna) a elektronového zpětnovazebného difrakčního mapování (EBSD) vybraných prvků. Na identifikaci inkluzí byly použity energeticky disperzní rentgenové analýzy (EDX) povrchu (a lokálně v průřezech, které byly vyrobeny technikou fokusového paprsku (FIB)). Při tomto výzkumu však byly pozorovány velké rozptýlené výsledky únavy. Povrchové topografie vyrobené za různých řezných podmínek dolního frézování neměly rozhodující vliv na únavu. Byla pozorována velmi zřejmá dekompozice mezi matricí oxidu hlinitého a křehkými inkluzemi.Tahové zatížení vzorků potvrdilo, že křehká nukleace začala u křehkých částic a materiál byl místně porušený před dosažením meze pevnosti v tahu. Podle morfologie, velikosti a distribuce fází byly zjištěny intermetalické inkluze komplexních intermetalických inkluzí Al-Fe-Cu-Cr- (Si, Ni), které mají zásadní vliv na mechanické vlastnosti v tahu, zejména na prodloužení zlomeniny a únavu vlastnosti také. Pro nový přístup monitorování procesů deformace in situ na více místech byl využit při pokročilé aplikaci tahové fáze NewTec a řízení a automatizace TESCAN SEM.
English abstract
A study of an effect of the surface topography and material inclusions on mechanical properties of the aluminum alloy 7475-T7351 that was carried out in a scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with a combined in-situ heating and tensile fixture. The studied aluminum alloy 7475-T7351 prepared with so-called “controlled toughness” would provide a great combination of a high tensile strength, good fracture toughness and a high resistance to the fatigue crack propagation. An optimal resistance to the stress corrosion cracking due to a special heat treatment of the alloy had been expected. The characterization of structure (texture and grain size) and electron backscattered diffraction mapping (EBSD) of selected elements were used. The energy dispersive X-ray analyses (EDX) of the surface (and locally in the cross-sections that were produced by focus ion beam technique (FIB)) were used for an identification of inclusions. However, in this research a large disperses of the fatigue results was observed. The surface topographies made under different cutting conditions of down milling, have not proved to have a decisive impact on the fatigue. A very evident decohesion between the alumina matrix and brittle inclusions have been observed. Tensile loading of specimens confirmed that crack nucleation started at the brittle particles and the material was locally fractured before reaching the tensile strength limit. According to the morphology, size and distribution of the phases the complex Al-Fe-Cu-Cr-(Si, Ni) intermetallic inclusions have been identified to have a crucial effect on the tensile mechanical properties, especially the fracture elongation, and the fatigue properties also. A novel approach of the multi-site in-situ deformation process monitoring has been used with the advanced application of NewTec tensile stage and TESCAN SEM control and automation.
Keywords in Czech
lom; inkluze; hliník; in situ
Keywords in English
fracture; inclusion; aluminum; in situ