Publication detail

Reliability of Aircraft in Design and Certification Stage


Czech title

Bezporuchovost (spolehlivost) letadel v průběhu návrhu a certifikace

English title

Reliability of Aircraft in Design and Certification Stage


conference paper



Original abstract

The purpose of the paper was to provide the reader with a basic inside into practical problems solved in the aerospace industry, and with the list of requirements and recommendations of civil airworthiness regulations on the field of reliability. This includes short historical introduction, a list of basic requirements and recommendations of the regulation for different aircraft categories with detailed description of reliability requirements for the General Aviation category (sport airplanes and small transport airplanes). Recommended procedures for reliability analyses are also covered (with a focus on the design and certification process). Other aircraft categories briefly discussed in the paper include helicopters (normal and transport category) and fixed-wing transport airplanes. The paper is closed with a list of recommended documents (recommended by regulations and advisory circulars).

Czech abstract

Hlavním účelem příspěvku je seznámit čtenáře s problematikou spolehlivosti v letectví, včetně základních informací o praktických problémech řešených v domácím leteckém průmyslu. Obsah příspěvku zahrnuje seznam požadavků a doporučení leteckých předpisů pro oblast spolehlivosti včetně krátkého historického shrnutí přístupu k této problematice. Detailně jsou rozebírány požadavky na kategorii tzv. "všeobecného letectví" (General Aviation). Další kategorie stručně zmiňované v příspěvku zahrnují vrtulníky (ketegorie NORMAL a TRANSPORT) a dopravní letouny. Příspěvek uzavírá seznam souvisejících dokumentů (doporučených předpisy a poradními oběžníky).

English abstract

The purpose of the paper was to provide the reader with a basic inside into practical problems solved in the aerospace industry, and with the list of requirements and recommendations of civil airworthiness regulations on the field of reliability. This includes short historical introduction, a list of basic requirements and recommendations of the regulation for different aircraft categories with detailed description of reliability requirements for the General Aviation category (sport airplanes and small transport airplanes). Recommended procedures for reliability analyses are also covered (with a focus on the design and certification process). Other aircraft categories briefly discussed in the paper include helicopters (normal and transport category) and fixed-wing transport airplanes. The paper is closed with a list of recommended documents (recommended by regulations and advisory circulars).

Keywords in Czech

bezpečnost, letectví, letouny

Keywords in English

safety, aviation, aircraft

RIV year





University of Pardubice


Pardubice, Czech Republic




Reliability, Safety and Diagnostics of Transport Structures and Means 2005

Pages count



  author="Jiří {Hlinka} and Tomáš {Mžik},
  title="Reliability of Aircraft in Design and Certification Stage",
  booktitle="Reliability, Safety and Diagnostics of Transport Structures and Means 2005",
  publisher="University of Pardubice",
  address="Pardubice, Czech Republic",