Publication detail
Unsteadiness of Effervescent Atomizer generated sprays
Czech title
Nestability sprejů generovaných tryskami typu effervescent
English title
Unsteadiness of Effervescent Atomizer generated sprays
conference paper
Original abstract
A novel method is presented to quantify the unsteadiness of effervescent atomizer generated spray in relation to operational conditions and two-phase flow pattern inside the atomizer mixing chamber. The method, derived and applied here, is based on the measurement of pressure fluctuations in the atomizer mixing chamber. The results show steady spray behaviour at higher GLRs, where the atomizer is operated in dispersed or annular regimes of the internal two-phase flow. Decrease of GLR to below 6%, where non-uniform internal two phase flow appears, leads to unsteady spray.
Czech abstract
Nová metoda pro kvantifikaci nestabilit effervescent trysek je prezentována. Ukazuje vliv provozních podmínek a režimu dvoufázového toku ve směšovací komoře trysky na nestability spreje. Tato metoda je založena na měření tlakových pulzací uvnitř směšovací komory trysky. Výsledky ukazují stabilní sprej v případě vysokých hodnot GLR, kde je tryska v režimu anulárního nebo disperzního toku. Pokles GLR pod cca 6%, spojený s nehomogenním dvoufázovým tokem uvnitř trysky vede k nestabilnímu spreji.
English abstract
A novel method is presented to quantify the unsteadiness of effervescent atomizer generated spray in relation to operational conditions and two-phase flow pattern inside the atomizer mixing chamber. The method, derived and applied here, is based on the measurement of pressure fluctuations in the atomizer mixing chamber. The results show steady spray behaviour at higher GLRs, where the atomizer is operated in dispersed or annular regimes of the internal two-phase flow. Decrease of GLR to below 6%, where non-uniform internal two phase flow appears, leads to unsteady spray.
Keywords in English
effervescent atomizer, spray quality, spray unsteadiness quantification, measurement method
RIV year
Laboratoire de Combustion et Systemes Reactifs, CNRS Orleans
Orleans, France
Proceedings 20th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems
Pages count
author="Jan {Jedelský} and Miroslav {Jícha},
title="Unsteadiness of Effervescent Atomizer generated sprays",
booktitle="Proceedings 20th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems",
publisher="Laboratoire de Combustion et Systemes Reactifs, CNRS Orleans",
address="Orleans, France"