Publication detail
Unsteadiness in Effervescent Sprays, A Comparison of Two Measurement Methods and the Influence of Operation Conditions
Czech title
Nestability sprejů typu effervescent, porovnání dvou měřících metod a vliv provozních podmínek
English title
Unsteadiness in Effervescent Sprays, A Comparison of Two Measurement Methods and the Influence of Operation Conditions
conference paper
Original abstract
Two different methods were used to quantify the unsteadiness of effervescent atomizer generated spray in relation to operational conditions, two-phase flow pattern inside the atomizer mixing chamber and position in spray. The first method is based on measurement of pressure fluctuations in atomizer mixing chamber. This novel method was derived and applied here. Results show that decrease in GLR causes the nozzle to become more unsteady. Steady behaviour under dispersed and annular internal flow and tendency to unsteadiness when the flow shifts from frothy to bubbly can be seen on the two-phase flow maps. The second method, developed by Edvard and Marx, uses a comparison of measured interparticle arrival time distribution with theoretical distribution function modelled as inhomogeneous Poisson process. Not fully identical results with those in previous case in relation to the atomizer operation conditions show the spray unsteadiness development after discharge. Spray is more unsteady at its edge as well as at greater downstream distances, which is consistent with other authors findings.
Czech abstract
Dvě různé metody byly použity pro měření nestabilit spreje generovaného tryskou typu effervescent a vyhodnocení vlivu provozních podmínek, režimu dvoufázovéhon toku uvnitř trysky a poloze ve spreji. První metoda je založena na měření tlakových pulzací uvnitř směšovací komory trysky. Tato nová metoda je zde popsána a aplikována. Výsledky ukazují rostoucí nestability spreje při poklesu GLR. Druhá metoda vyvinutá Edvardem a Marxem využívá statistické vyhodnocení intervalu mezi dopadem kapek spreje v měřícím objemu PDA analyzátoru. Ne zcela identické výsledky ukazují na vývin nestabilit po výtoku z trysky. Sprej je více nestabilní na hranách a ve větší vzdálenosti od trysky, což je ve shodě se zjištěním jiných autorů
English abstract
Two different methods were used to quantify the unsteadiness of effervescent atomizer generated spray in relation to operational conditions, two-phase flow pattern inside the atomizer mixing chamber and position in spray. The first method is based on measurement of pressure fluctuations in atomizer mixing chamber. This novel method was derived and applied here. Results show that decrease in GLR causes the nozzle to become more unsteady. Steady behaviour under dispersed and annular internal flow and tendency to unsteadiness when the flow shifts from frothy to bubbly can be seen on the two-phase flow maps. The second method, developed by Edvard and Marx, uses a comparison of measured interparticle arrival time distribution with theoretical distribution function modelled as inhomogeneous Poisson process. Not fully identical results with those in previous case in relation to the atomizer operation conditions show the spray unsteadiness development after discharge. Spray is more unsteady at its edge as well as at greater downstream distances, which is consistent with other authors findings.
Keywords in English
effervescent atomizer, spray quality, spray unsteadiness quantification, measurement method
RIV year
International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer
Ankara, Turkey
Proceedings of International Symposium on Heat and Mass Transfer in Spray Systems
Pages count
author="Jan {Jedelský} and Miroslav {Jícha},
title="Unsteadiness in Effervescent Sprays, A Comparison of Two Measurement Methods and the Influence of Operation Conditions",
booktitle="Proceedings of International Symposium on Heat and Mass Transfer in Spray Systems",
publisher="International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer",
address="Ankara, Turkey",