Publication detail

Structure and Static Mechanical Properties of ADI in Dependence on Heat Treatment Conditions


Czech title

Struktra a statické mechanické vlastnosti ADI v závislosti na podmínkách tepelného zpracování

English title

Structure and Static Mechanical Properties of ADI in Dependence on Heat Treatment Conditions


conference paper



Original abstract

The purpose of submitted work is completion pieces of knowledge about influence of structure and heat treatment contidions on static mechanical properties of austempered ductile cast iron. Owing to its excellent mechanical as well as technological properties, austempered ductile iron (ADI) belongs among very prospective structural materials. Recently it is applied in automobile and oil industry, and a considerable part of ADI production is applied also in military industry. ADI can replace steel in forged pieces, workpieces or weldments and nodular cast iron with lower level of strength properties in castings, as a rule with high economic or quality effects. The structure of ADI matrix is usually created by bainite with high strength and by stabilized austenite with high deformability. Their portion and partially also their properties are determined by transformation conditions, i.e. the temperature and the time of isothermal transformation while the austenitization conditions play only a marginal role.

Czech abstract

Cílem této práce bylo doplnit poznatky o vlivu struktury a podmínek tepelného zpracování na statické mechanické vlastnosti izotermicky zušlechtěné litiny s kuličkovým grafitem (ADI) ADI má výborné mechanické i technologické vlastnosti a proto se již zařadila mezi perspektivní konstručkní materiály. Používá se jako náhrada oceli na odlitky a litiny s kuličkovým grafitem s nižší pevností. Struktura matrice tohoto materiálu se obvykle skládá z bainitu s vysokou pevností a stabilizovaného austenitu s vyskokou plasticitou. Obsah těchto fází ve struktuře matrice ADI a tedy také mechanické vlastnosti tohoto materiálu závisí na podmínkách tepelného zpracování, tzn. teplotě a délce izotermické transformace.

English abstract

The purpose of submitted work is completion pieces of knowledge about influence of structure and heat treatment contidions on static mechanical properties of austempered ductile cast iron. Owing to its excellent mechanical as well as technological properties, austempered ductile iron (ADI) belongs among very prospective structural materials. Recently it is applied in automobile and oil industry, and a considerable part of ADI production is applied also in military industry. ADI can replace steel in forged pieces, workpieces or weldments and nodular cast iron with lower level of strength properties in castings, as a rule with high economic or quality effects. The structure of ADI matrix is usually created by bainite with high strength and by stabilized austenite with high deformability. Their portion and partially also their properties are determined by transformation conditions, i.e. the temperature and the time of isothermal transformation while the austenitization conditions play only a marginal role.

Keywords in Czech

Izotermické zušlechtění, délka izotermické transformace, mechanické vlastnosti, ADI

Keywords in English

isothermal heat treatment, transformation dwell, matrix composition, mechanical properties, ADI

RIV year





Žilinská univerzita






Transcom 2005

Edition number


Pages count



  author="Klára {Hanzlíková} and Stanislav {Věchet} and Jan {Kohout},
  title="Structure and Static Mechanical Properties of ADI in Dependence on Heat Treatment Conditions",
  booktitle="Transcom 2005",
  publisher="Žilinská univerzita",