Publication detail
Thermodynamic viewpoint in designing heterogeneous weld joints Thermodynamic viewpoint in designing heterogeneous weld joints Thermodynamic viewpoint in designing heterogeneous weld joints
Czech title
Termodynamické hledisko při navrhování heterogenních svarových spojů
English title
Thermodynamic viewpoint in designing heterogeneous weld joints Thermodynamic viewpoint in designing heterogeneous weld joints Thermodynamic viewpoint in designing heterogeneous weld joints
conference paper
Original abstract
For the group of low- to high-alloy 9-12% Cr heat-resistant steels it has been shown that there is a correlation between the carbon activity and the total chromium content, which can be used as a rough and ready criterion in the choice of filling materials in heterogeneous weld joints. To make the choice of materials still more specific the above calculation of the temperature dependence of carbon activity in individual materials of the weld joint could be resorted to, e.g. using the commercially available ThermoCalc software (the CALPHAD method) and the Steel database. More sophisticated approaches require modelling the potential diffusion processes and subsequent structure changes in a particular weld joint, which can be done using the set of DICTRA programs
Czech abstract
Pro skupinu nízkolegovaných až vysokolegovaných 9-12 %Cr žáropevných ocelí bylo ukázáno, že existuje korelace mezi aktivitou uhlíku a celkovým obsahem chrómu, které lze využít, jako nejhrubší kriterium volby přídavných materiálů v heterogenních svarových spojích. K dalšímu zpřesněním volby materiálů by mohl přispět zmíněný výpočet teplotní závislosti aktivity uhlíku v jednotlivých materiálech spoje, například za použití komerčního software ThermoCalc (metoda CALPHAD) a databáze Steel. Sofistikovanější přístupy však již vyžadují modelovaní možných difúzních a strukturních pochodů v konkrétním spoji, přičemž soubor programů DICTRA toto umožňuje
English abstract
For the group of low- to high-alloy 9-12% Cr heat-resistant steels it has been shown that there is a correlation between the carbon activity and the total chromium content, which can be used as a rough and ready criterion in the choice of filling materials in heterogeneous weld joints. To make the choice of materials still more specific the above calculation of the temperature dependence of carbon activity in individual materials of the weld joint could be resorted to, e.g. using the commercially available ThermoCalc software (the CALPHAD method) and the Steel database. More sophisticated approaches require modelling the potential diffusion processes and subsequent structure changes in a particular weld joint, which can be done using the set of DICTRA programs
Keywords in Czech
Elektody, svarový kov, CALPHAD, DICTRA
Keywords in English
Consunable, Weld metall, Electrode, CALPHAD, DICTRA
RIV year
Tanger s.r.o.
Metal 2007
Pages count
author="Jiří {Sopoušek} and Rudolf {Foret},
title="Thermodynamic viewpoint in designing heterogeneous weld joints Thermodynamic viewpoint in designing heterogeneous weld joints Thermodynamic viewpoint in designing heterogeneous weld joints",
booktitle="Metal 2007",
publisher="Tanger s.r.o.",