Publication detail
On the weak reflections in some classes of topological spaces
Czech title
O slabých reflekcích v některých třídách topologických prostorů
English title
On the weak reflections in some classes of topological spaces
conference paper
Original abstract
The topic of weak reflections namely in compact spaces a has nice and long history. First I heard the beginning of the story in 1990 by J. Rosick\'y and then by M. Hu\v sek during my studies. I heard that it was perhaps Z. Frol\'\i k who 35 years ago in some occasion mentioned the question: {\it Is there a compactification $\gamma X$ of a topological space $X$ such that every continuous mapping from $X$ into any compact space $Y$ can be continuously extended to $\gamma X$?} In other words: {\it Is the class of compact spaces weakly reflective in the class of topological spaces?}
Czech abstract
V práci zkoumáme možnost slabé reflekce topologického prostoru v některých třídách topologických prostorů, které obsahují kompaktní prostory jako podtřídu.
English abstract
The topic of weak reflections namely in compact spaces a has nice and long history. First I heard the beginning of the story in 1990 by J. Rosick\'y and then by M. Hu\v sek during my studies. I heard that it was perhaps Z. Frol\'\i k who 35 years ago in some occasion mentioned the question: {\it Is there a compactification $\gamma X$ of a topological space $X$ such that every continuous mapping from $X$ into any compact space $Y$ can be continuously extended to $\gamma X$?} In other words: {\it Is the class of compact spaces weakly reflective in the class of topological spaces?}
Keywords in English
weak reflections, extensions and compactifications
Istanbul University
Abstracts of the First Turkish International Conference on Topology and Its Applications
Edition number
Pages count
author="Martin {Kovár},
title="On the weak reflections in some classes of topological spaces",
booktitle="Abstracts of the First Turkish International Conference on Topology and Its Applications",
publisher="Istanbul University"