Publication detail
Comparison of a New Equation Describing Fatigue Crack Growth Cruves with the Narsgro Equation
Czech title
Porovnání nové rovnice popisující křivku růstu únavové trhliny s Nargovou rovnicí
English title
Comparison of a New Equation Describing Fatigue Crack Growth Cruves with the Narsgro Equation
journal article - other
Original abstract
The so-called NASGRO equation allows a very good description of fatigue crack growth curves, i.e. the dependence of crack length increase per one fatigue cycle da/dN on the stress intensity factor range delta K. In 1999 the first author of this paper published quite similar equation, which written for given loading cycle asymmetry with positive stress ratio R contains the same parameters having similar meaning as in the NASGRO equation. In most cases studied by the authors this equation leads to a better fit than the NASGRO equation, above all when the experimental curve contains relatively long Paris straight line and/or relatively sharp bend from this line to the threshold stress intensity factor range. The generalization of the NASGRO equation for various values of stress ratio R was made in a quite complicated way. The new equation was generalized using the Walker model based on the relation delta K(R) = delta K(0)(1 – R)-m which is valid also for threshold value delta Kth but not for critical stress intensity Kc being a constant independent of R . Then the shift of the growth curves with the change of R ratio is described only by one parameter m (0 < m < 1) both for positive and for negative values of R . It means that the crack closure models are very important for explanation and deep study of fatigue crack growth mainly in negative R region but play no crucial role in a phenomenological description of the growth in the case of short-term tests in non-aggressive media.
Czech abstract
Tzv. Nagsrova rovnice zharnuje velimi dobrý popis křivky růstu únavové trhliny. V roce 1999 první autor tohoto článku publikoval velmi podobnou rovnici, která je určena pro dané asymetrické zatížení s kladným poměrem R obsahující stejné prarametry se stejným významem jako v nasgrově rovnici. Ve většině následných studiích tohoto autora tato rovnice vedla k lepší aproximaci než nasgrova rovnice.
English abstract
The so-called NASGRO equation allows a very good description of fatigue crack growth curves, i.e. the dependence of crack length increase per one fatigue cycle da/dN on the stress intensity factor range delta K. In 1999 the first author of this paper published quite similar equation, which written for given loading cycle asymmetry with positive stress ratio R contains the same parameters having similar meaning as in the NASGRO equation. In most cases studied by the authors this equation leads to a better fit than the NASGRO equation, above all when the experimental curve contains relatively long Paris straight line and/or relatively sharp bend from this line to the threshold stress intensity factor range. The generalization of the NASGRO equation for various values of stress ratio R was made in a quite complicated way. The new equation was generalized using the Walker model based on the relation delta K(R) = delta K(0)(1 – R)-m which is valid also for threshold value delta Kth but not for critical stress intensity Kc being a constant independent of R . Then the shift of the growth curves with the change of R ratio is described only by one parameter m (0 < m < 1) both for positive and for negative values of R . It means that the crack closure models are very important for explanation and deep study of fatigue crack growth mainly in negative R region but play no crucial role in a phenomenological description of the growth in the case of short-term tests in non-aggressive media.
Keywords in English
Fatigue, Fatigue crack Nasgro equation
RIV year
EIDS - Žilinská univerzita
Pages from–to
Pages count
author="Jan {Kohout} and Stanislav {Věchet} and Vojtěch {Hrubý},
title="Comparison of a New Equation Describing Fatigue Crack Growth Cruves with the Narsgro Equation",
publisher="EIDS - Žilinská univerzita",