Publication detail
Effective biomass integration into existing combustion plant
Czech title
Efektivní využití biomasy ve stávajícím energetickém zdroji
English title
Effective biomass integration into existing combustion plant
journal article - other
Original abstract
Fossil fuels such as coal still dominate in current energy production plants. However, due to their large carbon footprint caused by combustion, rising prices and the unclear an increased interest in renewable and alternative fuels is observable. By 2020, renewable energy should account for 20% of the EU final energy consumption in order to reduce the negative impacts of the utilization of fossil fuels. Biomass-based fuels contribute to this effort. The optimization approach introduced in this article supports sustainable and financially feasible biomass integration into the existing large energy producing system with combined heat and power (CHP) production. The objective is to identify optimal conditions (optimal amount of burned fuels with respect to energy demands and energy flows through key components) with regard to maximum annual financial profit. The general mathematical model of a CHP plant utilizing more types of fuels is introduced and an optimization problem is formulated. The approach application is demonstrated on a case study involving existing CHP plant co-firing coal and biomass. The optimization problem is implemented and solved in GAMS (General Algebraic Modeling System). A sensitivity analysis of crucial parameters is performed and the results are presented and discussed.
Czech abstract
Fosilní paliva v současnosti v energetických zdrojích stále dominují. Avšak, vzhledem k velké produkci emisí CO2 , rostoucím cenám a nejisté budoucnosti, lze pozorovat zvýšený zájem o obnovitelné a alternativní zdroje energie. Do roku 2020 by měla mít energie z obnovitelných zdrojů 20 % podíl na celkové spotřebě elektřiny EU z důvodu snížení negativního vlivu využívání fosilních paliv. Biomasová paliva k tomuto přispívají. Optimalizační přístup, který je zde představen, podporuje udržitelné a finančně přípustné využití biomasy ve stávajících velkých energetických zdrojích s kombinovanou výrobou tepla a elektřiny. Cílem je nalézt optimální podmínky pro maximální roční zisk. Nejprve je uveden obecný matematický model energetického zdroje využívajícího více druhů paliv a poté je zformulována optimalizační úloha. Postup je demonstrován na případové studii. Případová studie je řešena v systému GAMS. Na závěr je provedena citlivostní analýza na důléžité parametry.
English abstract
Fossil fuels such as coal still dominate in current energy production plants. However, due to their large carbon footprint caused by combustion, rising prices and the unclear an increased interest in renewable and alternative fuels is observable. By 2020, renewable energy should account for 20% of the EU final energy consumption in order to reduce the negative impacts of the utilization of fossil fuels. Biomass-based fuels contribute to this effort. The optimization approach introduced in this article supports sustainable and financially feasible biomass integration into the existing large energy producing system with combined heat and power (CHP) production. The objective is to identify optimal conditions (optimal amount of burned fuels with respect to energy demands and energy flows through key components) with regard to maximum annual financial profit. The general mathematical model of a CHP plant utilizing more types of fuels is introduced and an optimization problem is formulated. The approach application is demonstrated on a case study involving existing CHP plant co-firing coal and biomass. The optimization problem is implemented and solved in GAMS (General Algebraic Modeling System). A sensitivity analysis of crucial parameters is performed and the results are presented and discussed.
Keywords in Czech
Biomasa; Integrace obnovitelných zdrojů energie; Kombinovaná výroba elektřiny a tepla; Plánování provozu pro kombinovanou výrobu elektřiny a tepla; Optimalizace
Keywords in English
Biomass; Renewable energy integration; Combined heat and power (CHP); CHP operation planning; Optimization
RIV year
Pages from–to
Pages count
author="Michal {Touš} and Martin {Pavlas} and Petr {Stehlík} and Pavel {Popela},
title="Effective biomass integration into existing combustion plant",