Publication detail
The effect of electromagnetic stirring on the crystallization of concast billets
Czech title
Vliv elektromagnetického míchání na krystalizaci kontinuálně litých sochorů
English title
The effect of electromagnetic stirring on the crystallization of concast billets
journal article in Web of Science
Original abstract
Electromagnetic stirring (EMS) applied on the steel caster (concasting machine) is basically a magneto-hydraulic process that influences the crystallisation processes and solidification of billet steel. From the viewpoint of physics and chemistry, the course of the process is co-determined by a number of relevant parameters, physical and thermokinetic characteristics of the concast steel and also electrical and magnetic quantities. EMS suppresses the growth of columnar crystals of billets and reduces the tendency to cracking during casting and at low temperatures. A caster was used for the testing of two induction stirrers , one on the actual mould and the other beneath the mould , to determine the effect of EMS on the formation of the structure of non-alloyed steel. As part of these tests, certain parts of the billets had been cast without the use of stirrers, while, other parts underwent alternate switching on and off of the stirrers for as many as nine combinations of modes. Samples were taken from the sections of these billets, fine-ground and etched to make the dendritic structure visible. The mode with the highest efficiency was when both stirrers ran simultaneously. The growth of the columnar crystals, which pointed inward, was limited to 0,25 to 0,33 of the width of the billet when there was no stirring. Experimental research was also confronted with results acquired from the application of the models of the temperature field and chemical heterogeneity and the physical-similarity theory.
Czech abstract
Elektromagnetické míchání aplikované na kontinuální odlévání oceli je základní magneto-hydraulický proces, který ovlivňuje krystalizační proces a tuhnutí ocelových sochorů. Potlačuje růst sloupcových krystalů a redukuje sklon k tvorbě trhlin při nízkých teplotách. Byl testován vliv dvou míchačů, jeden na krystalizátoru a druhý pod ním. Byly odebrány a vyhodnoceny vzorky ze sekcí sochoru.. Experimentální výzkum byl srovnán s výsledky obdrženými z aplikace modelů teplotního pole a chemické heterogenity.
English abstract
Electromagnetic stirring (EMS) applied on the steel caster (concasting machine) is basically a magneto-hydraulic process that influences the crystallisation processes and solidification of billet steel. From the viewpoint of physics and chemistry, the course of the process is co-determined by a number of relevant parameters, physical and thermokinetic characteristics of the concast steel and also electrical and magnetic quantities. EMS suppresses the growth of columnar crystals of billets and reduces the tendency to cracking during casting and at low temperatures. A caster was used for the testing of two induction stirrers , one on the actual mould and the other beneath the mould , to determine the effect of EMS on the formation of the structure of non-alloyed steel. As part of these tests, certain parts of the billets had been cast without the use of stirrers, while, other parts underwent alternate switching on and off of the stirrers for as many as nine combinations of modes. Samples were taken from the sections of these billets, fine-ground and etched to make the dendritic structure visible. The mode with the highest efficiency was when both stirrers ran simultaneously. The growth of the columnar crystals, which pointed inward, was limited to 0,25 to 0,33 of the width of the billet when there was no stirring. Experimental research was also confronted with results acquired from the application of the models of the temperature field and chemical heterogeneity and the physical-similarity theory.
Keywords in Czech
Kontinuální lití, elektromagnetické míchání, dendritická struktura, kvalita sochorů, defekty
Keywords in English
concasting, electromagnetic stirring, dendritic structure, quality of billets, defects.
RIV year
Ljubljana, Slovenija
Materiali in tehnologije
Pages from–to
Pages count
author="František {Kavička} and Karel {Stránský} and Bohumil {Sekanina} and Josef {Štětina} and Jana {Dobrovská},
title="The effect of electromagnetic stirring on the crystallization of concast billets",
journal="Materiali in tehnologije",
address="Ljubljana, Slovenija",