Publication detail
Processing of Aluminium - based In-situ Composites Using HVOF Sprayed Nickel Coating
Czech title
Processing of Aluminium - based In-situ Composites Using HVOF Sprayed Nickel Coating
English title
Processing of Aluminium - based In-situ Composites Using HVOF Sprayed Nickel Coating
Original abstract
The aluminium matrix composites were prepared by HVOF spraying of nickel powder onto the aluminium sheet's surface followed by annealing in a range of temperatures 600 – 630oC (solid state), 640 – 660oC (semi-solid state) and above 660oC (liquid state of aluminium). Layers containing the Al3Ni2 and Al3Ni intermediate phase compositions were created at the interface between the original coating sprayed and aluminium matrix. Moreover nickel diffuse into the aluminium matrix and produce strengthening by stable Al3Ni and metastable Al9Ni2 particles. The origin of continuous Al3Ni + Al eutectic band in aluminium matrix was observed at the temperatures higher than 650oC. The band thickness growth is dependent on a rate of aluminium liquid phase formation and can be fully controlled by dwell time on annealing temperature. The microstructures were obtained by light microscope (Olympus GX-51) and scanning electron microscopes (JEOL 840-A, Philips XL30). Chemical composition was estimated by energy dispersive microanalysis (EDAX). The layers and Al + (Al3Ni + Al9Ni2) band thickness measurements were realized by means of image analysis (NIS Elements AR).
Czech abstract
The aluminium matrix composites were prepared by HVOF spraying of nickel powder onto the aluminium sheet's surface followed by annealing in a range of temperatures 600 – 630oC (solid state), 640 – 660oC (semi-solid state) and above 660oC (liquid state of aluminium). Layers containing the Al3Ni2 and Al3Ni intermediate phase compositions were created at the interface between the original coating sprayed and aluminium matrix. Moreover nickel diffuse into the aluminium matrix and produce strengthening by stable Al3Ni and metastable Al9Ni2 particles. The origin of continuous Al3Ni + Al eutectic band in aluminium matrix was observed at the temperatures higher than 650oC. The band thickness growth is dependent on a rate of aluminium liquid phase formation and can be fully controlled by dwell time on annealing temperature. The microstructures were obtained by light microscope (Olympus GX-51) and scanning electron microscopes (JEOL 840-A, Philips XL30). Chemical composition was estimated by energy dispersive microanalysis (EDAX). The layers and Al + (Al3Ni + Al9Ni2) band thickness measurements were realized by means of image analysis (NIS Elements AR).
English abstract
The aluminium matrix composites were prepared by HVOF spraying of nickel powder onto the aluminium sheet's surface followed by annealing in a range of temperatures 600 – 630oC (solid state), 640 – 660oC (semi-solid state) and above 660oC (liquid state of aluminium). Layers containing the Al3Ni2 and Al3Ni intermediate phase compositions were created at the interface between the original coating sprayed and aluminium matrix. Moreover nickel diffuse into the aluminium matrix and produce strengthening by stable Al3Ni and metastable Al9Ni2 particles. The origin of continuous Al3Ni + Al eutectic band in aluminium matrix was observed at the temperatures higher than 650oC. The band thickness growth is dependent on a rate of aluminium liquid phase formation and can be fully controlled by dwell time on annealing temperature. The microstructures were obtained by light microscope (Olympus GX-51) and scanning electron microscopes (JEOL 840-A, Philips XL30). Chemical composition was estimated by energy dispersive microanalysis (EDAX). The layers and Al + (Al3Ni + Al9Ni2) band thickness measurements were realized by means of image analysis (NIS Elements AR).
Keywords in Czech
difuze; kompozit; hliníková matrice; Al3Ni; HVOF
Keywords in English
diffusion; composite; aluminium matrix; Al3Ni; HVOF
IInstitute of Technical Sciences of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Belgrade, Serbia
Edition number
Pages from–to
Pages count