Publication detail
Atlas of Materials Structures - An Useful Apllication for Students in the Field of Materials Sciences and Engineering
Czech title
Atlas materiálových struktur - užitečná aplikace pro strudenty zabývající se materiálovými vědami a inženýrstvím
English title
Atlas of Materials Structures - An Useful Apllication for Students in the Field of Materials Sciences and Engineering
Original abstract
An application "Atlas of Materials Structures" is a freeware developed with the aim to extend subjects provided by Institute of Materials Sciences and Engineering to make them more attractive to students. The software is closely related with innovation of the IMSE subjects started two years ago. Within the application there are almost 60 materials prepared in detail (microstructures with individual phase description), used methodology (sample preparation, light and scanning electron microscopy) and also the testing interface, which can be used by teachers to create the tests for students in the software directly. Two fundamental materials groups are covered: (i) iron, steels and cast irons, and, (ii) nonferrous metals and their alloys. The current bilingual version of the application (English and Czech) can be used as a useful tool for the Materials Science subjects' education in English at the Universities across the Europe and United States of America. The application is available at:, the official websites of the IMSE, FME Brno UT.
Czech abstract
An application "Atlas of Materials Structures" is a freeware developed with the aim to extend subjects provided by Institute of Materials Sciences and Engineering to make them more attractive to students. The software is closely related with innovation of the IMSE subjects started two years ago. Within the application there are almost 60 materials prepared in detail (microstructures with individual phase description), used methodology (sample preparation, light and scanning electron microscopy) and also the testing interface, which can be used by teachers to create the tests for students in the software directly. Two fundamental materials groups are covered: (i) iron, steels and cast irons, and, (ii) nonferrous metals and their alloys. The current bilingual version of the application (English and Czech) can be used as a useful tool for the Materials Science subjects' education in English at the Universities across the Europe and United States of America. The application is available at:, the official websites of the IMSE, FME Brno UT.
English abstract
An application "Atlas of Materials Structures" is a freeware developed with the aim to extend subjects provided by Institute of Materials Sciences and Engineering to make them more attractive to students. The software is closely related with innovation of the IMSE subjects started two years ago. Within the application there are almost 60 materials prepared in detail (microstructures with individual phase description), used methodology (sample preparation, light and scanning electron microscopy) and also the testing interface, which can be used by teachers to create the tests for students in the software directly. Two fundamental materials groups are covered: (i) iron, steels and cast irons, and, (ii) nonferrous metals and their alloys. The current bilingual version of the application (English and Czech) can be used as a useful tool for the Materials Science subjects' education in English at the Universities across the Europe and United States of America. The application is available at:, the official websites of the IMSE, FME Brno UT.
Keywords in Czech
software; stuktura; ocel; litá ocel; neželezné kovy a slitiny
Keywords in English
software; structrure; iron; sterels; cast irons; nonferrous metals and alloys
IInstitute of Technical Sciences of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Belgrade, Serbia
Edition number
Pages from–to
Pages count