Publication detail
Microfillers and fracture toughness of PP
Czech title
Plniva a lomová houževnatost PP kompozitu
English title
Microfillers and fracture toughness of PP
conference proceedings
Original abstract
The mechanical properties of block copolymer PP matrix and mineral fillers are depended not only on the fillers content but also on its shape. Influence of two types of fillers (Talc, Kaolin) and two mass contents (20% and 35%) on the stiffness, strength and toughness were investigated. Tensile test was applied to estimate the tensile properties. The fracture mechanics approach was chosen to describe the toughness of the system. Particularly, the J-R curve procedure was used. The results were reviewed with microscopy observation. The high aspect ratio and high degree of orientation of talc along the tensile direction are responsible for the observed significant improvement in modulus and yield strength. The consequence of this behaviour is the embrittlement of this system. In the case of PP/kaolin composites less improvement in modulus and lower yield strength was observed. Fracture toughness was close to values of the native PP.
Czech abstract
Mechanické vlastnosti kompozitního systému na bázi polypropylenové matrice (blokový kopolymer) a minerálních částicových plniv jsou závislé nejen na hmotnostním podílu plniv, ale i na jejich tvaru. Posuzován byl vliv dvou typů plniv (mastek, kaolin) a dvou hmotnostních podílů (20 hm.%, 35 hm.%) na pevnost a houževnatost kompozitu. Pro hodnocení pevnostních charakteristik byla aplikována tahová zkouška a pro hodnocení houževnatosti pak byla vybrána zkouška, vycházející z lomové mechaniky, konkrétně metoda stanovení J-R křivek. Získané výsledky byly konfrontovány s mikroskopickým pozorováním. Díky velkému velikostnímu poměru a vysoké orientaci částic mastku ve směru zatěžování, byl u těchto kompozitů pozorován významný nárůst hodnot modulu pružnosti v tahu a meze kluzu, vedoucí však ke snížení deformačních vlastností a poklesu houževnatosti. V případě kompozitů s částicemi kaolínů byl nárůst hodnot modulu pružnosti nižší a u meze kluzu došlo dokonce k jejímu poklesu, avšak lomová houževnatost se blíží hodnotám nativního polypropylenu.
English abstract
The mechanical properties of block copolymer PP matrix and mineral fillers are depended not only on the fillers content but also on its shape. Influence of two types of fillers (Talc, Kaolin) and two mass contents (20% and 35%) on the stiffness, strength and toughness were investigated. Tensile test was applied to estimate the tensile properties. The fracture mechanics approach was chosen to describe the toughness of the system. Particularly, the J-R curve procedure was used. The results were reviewed with microscopy observation. The high aspect ratio and high degree of orientation of talc along the tensile direction are responsible for the observed significant improvement in modulus and yield strength. The consequence of this behaviour is the embrittlement of this system. In the case of PP/kaolin composites less improvement in modulus and lower yield strength was observed. Fracture toughness was close to values of the native PP.
Keywords in Czech
lomová houževnatost, PP kompozity
Keywords in English
Fracture toughness, PP composites
TU - Halle
TU - Halle
Pages from–to
Pages count
author="Petr {Veselý} and Bohumil {Vlach} and Eva {Nezbedová},
title="Microfillers and fracture toughness of PP",
publisher="TU - Halle",
address="TU - Halle"